Well-known member
I am surviving the cure. Any complaints that I have are related to being alive!
Reader’s Digest condensed edition. No religious upbringing at all. Met and married Catholic woman, who then mercilessly and incessantly lamented my lack of baptism. Was a sort of vague believer. 1985, went to Lourdes, as DW wanted to visit. At her insistence, crossed myself with water from the grotto and began crying. One week later, “accidentally” received Pope Saint John Paul II’s apostolic blessing in a crowd at Genoa. In RCIA the following year. Triple crown (immersion Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist) in April, '87. Lukewarm until I submitted to the baptism in the Holy Spirit (NOT a Sacrament). Faith was lit on fire. Minor miracles before the Blessed Sacrament. Fast forward to 2008. Cancer. Lots of cancer. Stage IV, 50+ tumors (“innumerable” said the pathologist). Poor prognosis. Remission, immediate relapse took me to “extremely poor.” Lots of prayers here at CAF. Remission again, but second relapse. Mutation into two different aggressive non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas (PTCL-NOS, AITL). Stage IV again - two dozen tumors plus marrow cancer/leukemia precursor (MDS) simultaneously. Stem cell transplant. Given 99.5% chance of expiring along the way. Now cancer free.
Lourdes. Saint Bernadette - the patroness of bodily illness. What did she know in 1985?
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