I didn’t mean at all that you should accept the Catholic/Christian definition of idol at all, I was discussing the issue of “worshipping idols” from the Catholic viewpoint however. I am not one to suggest Pagans should let another faith dictate theirs - I have, on several occasions, defended paganism from stereotypes discussed on this thread and others based on that very principle (the typical “devil-worshippers” lie). However, as this is a Catholic forum, your faith will be very much discussed from that viewpoint.
That’s good. I did look for communities near me but there was none, and if there was they were very close and didn’t really respond to people regarding new members. The complete opposite to the CC, which welcomed me with open arms. Not to suggest that that is the norm (not at all, I have known some Catholics who start from the assumption that you already cannot be saved and some Pagans who are the most open-armed people in the world).
Thank you. I’m sorry to hear about that, its not the face of the CC that I have seen. My only difficulty with it is regarding what it teaches about contraception and theology of the body, but those are issues that I am working through and considering. What do you mean by anger, despair and insults?
Need for persecution? Are you suggesting some Christians want to be persecuted?
To your last point, yes. It’s not so much a matter of Christians “wanting” to be persecuted, but in recent times, American Christians at least have come to define themselves primarily through a persecution narrative. Changing demographic realities mean that Christianity, and in many areas, Catholicism are no longer treated with unquestioning deference in the public sphere. The simple act of having to share that sphere with others of us is construed in many quarters as “persecution.” Anytime a court or legislatures forces a church (or the Church) to comply with some law of the land it doesn’t like, that’s persecution, we’re told. Anytime someone in pop culture takes a real or perceived swipe at Christianity, that’s persecution. At least here in the states, there are people and entire organizations dedicated to crying persecution at these things. It used to be that persecution meant going to the lions etc. But in recent times, there is no middle ground. For many Christians, there is only two modes: absolute cultural and legal hegemony or persecution.
I cannot speak to Cyberwolf’s experience of “anger, despair and insults,” but I can offer my own perspective. I have been 40 years in the world, about 16 of them in the Catholic Church, 20 or so as a secular man and the balance as a pagan. I have dear lifelong Catholic friends and I have seen some real gems of human beings come from that faith. That said, I must tell you that I have never come across so many vicious, spiteful and self-righteous people as I have in Catholicism and Christianity generally.
To truly get that statement in perspective, you need to know that I was a journalist for most of my adult life and had more in-person exposure to a wider cross section of society than most people. That includes lots of folks you might assume to be universally “uncharitable.”: trial lawyers, hardened cops, criminals, even hate groups which openly advocated (sometimes successfully), murder. They were difficult and sometimes dangerous people to engage, but I will tell you that none of them was so consistently uncivil to me as a group as Catholics have been.
I’m not talking about some isolated instance when I was 15 when some youth minister cheesed me off. I’m talking about the day-in-day-out treatment I receive from Catholics on the ground, here on these forums. On a daily basis, people on here say things about me and my faith that are every bit equivalent in spirit and tone to the anti-Semitic propaganda circulating around Europe circa World War II. I have had people on these forums advocate imprisonment and even death for people who practice my faith. This is not one or two rogue posters here and there. It is consistent, and it is more often than not tolerated and encouraged by all quarters of this community.
Consider, for a moment, the very premise and topic of this thread. We have someone advocating for Catholics to disrupt others’ sacred space and/or place of business because they consider their religion to be “evil.” At least two or three threads of this nature are posted every week, and they are quite popular. If I or someone else came on here to encourage people to disrupt a Mass or a Catholic bookstore, how many seconds do you think would pass before I was banned for life and the post was removed?
Look, I get that any church is made up of flawed people. I get the whole “hospital for sinners” concept, but from where I stand, it’s increasingly difficult for me to see how any of this is informed by the Christ of the New Testament. It’s hard for me to see any value in engaging the Catholic community in any kind of debate or discussion.
I give you and a (very) few others around here credit for speaking against the ludicrous stereotypes and hate speech and focusing on legitimate theological differences.