I thought it was a joke because you are suggesting that these scientists just disproved all their own research with the quote you picked. They don’t seem to be aware of it.no, leela, do your own work. if you don’t understand an argument or a theory that you are posting, then don’t post it.
nor have i claimed that every other theory is impossible, only some are a violation of the laws of physics.
as to the joke, no its not a joke, you quoted from that source, so obviously you understood it. why would that be a joke?
nor am i claiming that all scientists agree, there are different opinions, but there is generally accepted scientific theory, like evolution, or relativity, or the big bang.
simply put, don’t post what you don’t understand well enough to defend.
Are you conceding that your claim that the only scientific theory that is currently considered viable is a universe that begins with a Big Bang while all other theories (Big Bounce, oscillatory universe, multiple universes) are considered to be impossible is unjustified. If so we can move on.
I’ve already said that I’m willing to accept for the sake of argument that the universe had a beginning. How does the First Cause argument proceed from there?