Liberal catholicism or conservative protestantism?

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Hello! If your only two church options were:
a) a catholic church with very low attendance, liturgical abuses, no sense of community, bad music, no reverence, watered down gospel BUT there’s the eucharist, or
b) a protestant church that is super conservative and orthodox, true to scripture, strong community and SOLID preaching BUT, sigh, it’s protestant…
…what would you choose in these trying times, and why?

(please don’t be offended, it’s a serious question, I’m quite depressed and use sarcasm as a coping mechanism)
Only the Catholic Church is valid, I will look else where for things to nourish my spirituality like good books.
Only the Catholic Church is valid, I will look else where for things to nourish my spirituality like good books.
Okay, and how would you deal with all the flaws in your church that literally makes you lose faith?
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Jesus has no flaws. I concentrate on Him and His teaching. The church is flawed, but it helps me to receive the sacraments and to learn. I don’t worship the church, but with the church I worship God the Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit.
I’ll be frank. If you think “conservative protestant” preaching is more solid than “liberal” Catholic preaching, you may have to ask yourself whether you’re a conservative first and a Catholic second, or a Catholic first and a conservative second… should be the latter.
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I’ll be frank. If you think “conservative protestant” preaching is more solid than “liberal” Catholic preaching, you may have to ask yourself whether you’re a conservative first and a Catholic second, or a Catholic first and a conservative second… should be the latter.
I’m a truth seeker first. When the church I attend fails to deliver truth, it’s hard on my faith.
It does exist,
By definition a Protestant Church is not orthodox, because no matter the denomination, it is not Catholic and therefore teaches error.

Nor is it “true to the Bible” since it is not Catholic, and has erroneous interpretations of the Bible.

You’d have to define “super conservative” as I don’t know what that really means.

“Solid preaching” apart from the truth of the Catholic Faith and Magisterium is a nice idea, but again erroneous.

Strong community is certainly possible, but does not negate the rest.
Conservative Protestantism still contains many heresies at odds with our holy faith. Period. Full stop.
Nor is it “true to the Bible” since it is not Catholic, and has erroneous interpretations of the Bible.
That’s why I posted this in the “non-catholic religions” section.
“Solid preaching” apart from the truth of the Catholic Faith and Magisterium is a nice idea, but again erroneous.
You are a Catholic.

There is no choosing a non Catholic Church unless you are prepared commit heresy or schism.

Which, I hope you aren’t.
Where was I supposed to post this question then? You don’t have to agree, it’s ok.
a protestant church that is super conservative and orthodox, true to scripture, strong community and SOLID preaching BUT, sigh, it’s protestant…
There is no Protestant church on the face of the planet that is “orthodox” and “true to scripture”.
They all stopped being both orthodox and true when they split from God’s One True Church.

Why would you trade the Eucharist for the trappings of some church that didn’t have it?

If the Catholic Mass bugs you that much, put your annoyance to good use by offering it up and saving a few souls. Also, you can perhaps plan to move to or otherwise access a different Catholic church with better Masses.

I’m beginning to think maybe we need to go back to the days when it was a sin to attend a Protestant church if you didn’t have express permission from your priest, which would only be granted for things like family funerals. It sure would cut down on these kinds of temptations.

I somehow have managed to get through many decades without attending any Protestant church services ever except 2 funerals and 1 wedding and one evangelical service, I don’t see why everybody else is dropping by them like they’re popular restaurants. I feel creepy even being in one to be honest.
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There is no Protestant church on the face of the planet that is “orthodox” and “true to scripture”.
They all stopped being both orthodox and true when they split from God’s One True Church.
I agree. but what about catholic churches that don’t even teach catholic dogma anymore? protestantized catholic churches? I would not be asking this question if the church I go to was fully catholic, as it should be.
I think I’d choose Option A, because if the details you described bothered me I could always get more involved and try to fix it from within.

At the end of the day the Catholic Church is the true one, the one which Jesus founded when he gave Saint Peter the keys to Heaven and the authority to bind and loosen whatever he needed to - in doing so he made Saint Peter the first Pope and entrusted him with leading the faithful.
I agree. but what about catholic churches that don’t even teach catholic dogma anymore?
They are still Catholic. This isn’t anything new, individual priests might have flaws but the Church is One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic.
I think I’d choose Option A, because if the details you described bothered me I could always get more involved and try to fix it from within.
Ok! Do you have any ideas of what I could do, how I could get involved? that could help!
At the end of the day the Catholic Church is the true one, the one which Jesus founded when he gave Saint Peter the keys to Heaven and the authority to bind and loosen whatever he needed to - in doing so he made Saint Peter the first Pope and entrusted him with leading the faithful.
I know! 😞 that’s why it pains me so much to see Her like this. 💔
Well lets see - Jesus in the eucharist vs Jesus not in the eucharist - seems like a pretty easy decision to me. Maybe i dont understand the question.

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