Liberal catholicism or conservative protestantism?

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If your only two church options were:
a) a catholic church with very low attendance, liturgical abuses, no sense of community, bad music, no reverence, watered down gospel BUT there’s the eucharist, or
b) a protestant church that is super conservative and orthodox, true to scripture, strong community and SOLID preaching BUT, sigh, it’s protestant…
…what would you choose in these trying times, and why?
If the Catholic Eucharist is the main focal point of your faith, then obviously A) is your answer.

The issue then becomes how to improve in the other areas mentioned, since they apparently matter a lot to you or you wouldn’t have mentioned them.

I once saw an EWTN show where they highlighted a parish in Nebraska (Omaha, maybe) where a young priest with lots of energy, social media savvy, and a deep love for Jesus and his fellow man revitalized the kind of parish you described, transforming it into a vibrant and model Catholic community that had the elements you said yours is lacking in addition to having the Eucharist.

Perhaps your diocese can seek out someone similar to him to help revitalize your parish. If such a pastor is scarce, you and others with similar goals may need to be the spark to reignite the fire by your examples.
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I feel for you. I spent many years in really terrific protestant churches, but I’m back in the church of my birth for many reasons. There is a blizzard of differences between various kinds of evangelical and protestant churches. So how are you supposed to know which one is the most true?

Maybe you are in that parish because it really needs you. Do not limit your experience of Catholicism just to your own parish, at least not right now. There are such great online resources, and amazing talks that you can get from YouTube and on CD from the Augustine Institute and others. If you’re hungry for more, don’t be afraid to find fantastic Catholic resources outside your own parish.
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Okay, and how would you deal with all the flaws in your church that literally makes you lose faith?
The flaws are there because our humanity always impergect. If we love one another and forgive each others’ flaws, then we will be perfected by God’s love & mercy.

Let’s say you marry a person. Right after the wedding day, you find your spouse has some little flaws. Would you divorce your spouse for his/ her flaws?

In all churches there will be human flaws.

I stay because I believe my baptism is from God, and I have work to do here.

If you choose to stay or go, let it because you want to serve, and not because you demand to be served.
I’m a truth seeker first. When the church I attend fails to deliver truth, it’s hard on my faith.
Which truth?

I agree that we need to desire & seek for the truth first.

But sometimes the truth we seek are small little things, and in doing so, we leave behind the more important Truth.
I haven’t read every post.

Only the Catholic Church has the fullness of the faith, and the Eucharist - lousy preaching or no community notwithstanding.

As an aside, “conservative Protestant” is open to interpretation. It might mean pretty mainstream; it might mean “women are going to hell if they wear pants.” Just saying.
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Perhaps your diocese can seek out someone similar to him to help revitalize your parish. If such a pastor is scarce, you and others with similar goals may need to be the spark to reignite the fire by your examples.
That’s assuming that the diocese / parish sees something wrong with the awfulness.
They instituted the awfulness. They perpetuate the awfulness. They’re doing the awfulness on purpose.
They’re not interested in changing. They think they’re doing things right.
Hello! If your only two church options were:
a) a catholic church with very low attendance, liturgical abuses, no sense of community, bad music, no reverence, watered down gospel BUT there’s the eucharist, or
b) a protestant church that is super conservative and orthodox, true to scripture, strong community and SOLID preaching BUT, sigh, it’s protestant…
…what would you choose in these trying times, and why?
First, when you say “Protestant”, who do you mean?
That said, if the only two options I had was the Catholic parish you describe and a conservative Baptist church, for example, I would choose the Catholic parish. Same with a Calvinist church.
A confessional Lutheran or continuing Anglican, the outcome is different.

My point is the term Protestant has no meaning beyond a convenient grouping.
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what would you choose in these trying times, and why?
I would continue to go to the Catholic Church. Why? Because none of the Protestant churches have the Eucharist; none (or exceedingly few - perhaps part of the Lutherans and the Anglicans) even thing that confession is necessary, let alone having the power to forgive sins; and I won’t leave those sacraments.

Why would I give up receiving Christ, to go listen to someone simply talk about him?
Do you know how bad the former practice sounds, in light of some of the current scandals that were at least ignored?
That’s because you’re not looking at the context, I’m talking about following what the Catholic Church actually teaches and all those other people corrupting it are not going to affect my faith.
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Not sure I follow what you are saying here. My apologies for being a bit obtuse.
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this is kinda off topic… I notice from your other posts that you are from Canada.

I used to live in Ontario before, just under 2 years. In fact I went to a Catholic HS. I noticed things are more liberal there (and this is the early 00s). My school was just too liberal for a Catholic school. One of my religious studies teacher disliked the Passion of the Christ movie and she told the students to not watch it. And in this religious studies class, I had to do a project on Buddhism. In our civics class- we watched the movie 8 mile, I think we were just 15 or so. Spiritually I was an agnostic at that time- the irony was I went to a Catholic school Ha. I mean the US is liberal as well and things depend on where you are, but I think Canada is even more liberal and very secular.

Only the following churches have TLM in the province of Quebec. I think the Notre Dame in the Montreal Archdiocese is a school, not a church.
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That’s really all the answer that must be given.

As an aside, the only way I would change my answer would be if the Catholic church were so liberal as to really not be “Catholic.”

Fr. Malachi Martin wrote a bit about this in “Hostage to the Devil,” where a priest basically became possessed and started changing the words in Mass, so much so that he basically “founded a new church.” The book was absolutely terrifying to read. I recall the priest took to replacing “This is My Body…this is My Blood” with weird words like “this is my sexuality…this is my tomb.”

–Total digression by me, but still, really scary. Sorry to digress.
Catholic, of course. I’m not about to turn my back on the Lord, present in the Eucharist, who established His church through Saint Peter.
Poor leaders come and go; God endures.
Much of my life as a cradle Catholic, I’ve endured sitting in a lot of ugly churches, listening to banal sermons, seeing low attendance, and listening to awful music… all for the Eucharist.
I’ve been in this situation on more than one occasion and assist the Mass with my prayers. If I have my rosary with me, I pray it-if not, I can fold my hands in prayer and count my way through my knuckles for the 10 Hail Marys. Ask God to put your prayers to use where it best suits Him.
Our paths to holiness are going to be difficult and painful, but if we remember to offer up our best, we can make good use of our pain.
That’s because your nitpicking and not looking at the context, I’m talking about following what the Catholic Church actually teaches and all those other people corrupting it are not going to affect my faith.
Ok, i undertsand your positiveness in the latter of your post (“look(ing) at ideal of Catholicism which is the saints”, which is why I only commented on the “former” (ignoring church flaws).

Yet one can still look at ideals, keep the faith, but correctly by not just eschewing the negative for yourself, but looking at, helping maybe, those who have not been so blessed and suffered under “corruptors”.

But you are right , should have acknowledged the positive of your post, and not just the negative…should have listened to that still small voice telling me that at time of posting.
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Why would I give up receiving Christ, to go listen to someone simply talk about him?
Understand. Yet I found such churches ( some Protestant) finally going beyond just talking of Him, but knowing Him on a personal level.

“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.”

Such intimacy with Christ is not bound only in a sacrament.
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