If the Catholic Eucharist is the main focal point of your faith, then obviously A) is your answer.If your only two church options were:
a) a catholic church with very low attendance, liturgical abuses, no sense of community, bad music, no reverence, watered down gospel BUT there’s the eucharist, or
b) a protestant church that is super conservative and orthodox, true to scripture, strong community and SOLID preaching BUT, sigh, it’s protestant…
…what would you choose in these trying times, and why?
The issue then becomes how to improve in the other areas mentioned, since they apparently matter a lot to you or you wouldn’t have mentioned them.
I once saw an EWTN show where they highlighted a parish in Nebraska (Omaha, maybe) where a young priest with lots of energy, social media savvy, and a deep love for Jesus and his fellow man revitalized the kind of parish you described, transforming it into a vibrant and model Catholic community that had the elements you said yours is lacking in addition to having the Eucharist.
Perhaps your diocese can seek out someone similar to him to help revitalize your parish. If such a pastor is scarce, you and others with similar goals may need to be the spark to reignite the fire by your examples.
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