Lifesite News, Church Militant - what is their strategy in attacking the Pope?

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Not true. Michael Voris does a wonderful job of being objective. He initially defended Francis until the latest dam broke. If I tithed 10-15% of my money to the Catholic Church and found out it was going to support the Clinton Campaign (Peter’s Pence Scandal) and the active homosexual lifestyles of priests, I’d be angered too. Church Militant is objective reporting. So is Frank Walker at Stumblingblock.
A civil war within the Church could well see souls, on boths sides of such a war, being hurled into the abyss. We need to treat each other as brothers and sisters in Christ, not a members of rival factions. Listen and criticise to each other, but not throw around terms such as sedevacantist and heretic too quickly.
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Thank God for the work that Church Militant is doing.
Certainly it irks progressives. That’s fine.
Actually, few progressives are even aware the CM exists. It’s not even on their radar. Few could be bothered to form an opinion beyond “quaint, but silly”.

CM’s target was conservatives, and its goal was to deepen the gulf between conservatives and progressives. Instead, it ended up deepening the gulf between rad trads and ultraconservatives on the one side, and moderate conservatives and progressives on the other. CM ended up with a much smaller piece of the pie than they were counting on, and by attacking Pope Francis and openly endorsing Trump, they have ended up guaranteeing that that piece will never get any bigger.
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Our Church needs radical cleansing and purification to undo much of the damage that’s been done since the 60’s and the progressive “spirit of Vatican II”.
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