List of Common Mortal Sins

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LOL, I mean, LOL

I could hardly make it through the first commandment without falling off my chair in laughter.

The mortal sin of agnosticism! is a gift. If you do not have faith you are not sinning!

Apostacy from not studying the faith enough? Just like Origen or Tertullian? How about Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Henri de Lubac, Jacques Maritian? Apostacy comes from studying the faith too much and realizing some of the many internal contradictions.

Or wasting time…do these message boards count?

Hell sure must be full if these are mortal sins (or at least constitute grave nature).

But even better:

“Immodesty: Clothing should tend to conceal rather than to reveal. Cover elbows, knees, loose-fitting , high neckline”

I am sitting in my apartement in Taiwan right now in shorts (above the knees) which I wore to work today. I guess I had better go confess.

“Prolonged kissing and holding hands if it arouses sexual desire.”

Who compiled this list? This is rediculously puritan. I am starting to wonder if anyone on this forum is even Catholic.

I refuse to worship any God who would condemn someone to hell for agnosticism when faith itself is supposedly a free gift from him. That is Calvinist double-predestination.

Thank you for the link. I looked at the list and it definitely smacks of black and white. I think many should take a look at this list - especially if some are inclined to be more liberal towards their faith.

And Adam, yes, if holding hands and prolonged kissing is gonna propel you towards lustful thoughts and more provacative sexual acts, then yep. It’s gonna take you down the wrong path. Mind you, some people can stop at the kissing and hand holding and maintain innocence and purity - others just cannot.

Thanks - God Bless you.
That’s very useful… it really spells everything out.

Thank you! 🙂
perhaps this list will be very helpful, but as with any spiritual direction and teaching, we don’t accept it blindly without knowing the source and disercning if the source is teaching with the authority and in the mind of the Church.
I agree with Adam - this is sick! And Catholics think that the list of Jewish restrictions in Leviticus is ridiculous…funny how Jesus’ simple message of love gets perverted by some.
At the top of the list it talks about objectivity. Christ says if you love me - Keep my commandments, and taht Heaven and hell would disappear before one bit of the law would change.

To the informed Catholic, there is nothing new in this list. I find it interesting that some do not like it, maybe we should all frequent the confessional a little bit more often?

The wages of sin is death. Best not have any un-repented mortal sins on our souls when we meet our maker. Lists like this make us realise how easy it is to fall into sin. The road is narrow that leads to salvation and few take it.

To whom much is given much is expected. If you have read the list, you have been given much. The truth shall set you free.
Conclusion: Just about everything can be a mortal sin under the right set of conditions. :eek:
The rationale for some of the “mortal sins” are just wrong-headed. Contraception (including condoms, tubal ligation, vasectomy) is a mortal sin, not because it falls under “Thou shalt not kill”. There is no life there to sin against. (I am assuming this is genuine contraception – I understand that birth-control pills can be (and probably often are) abotifacient. Abortifacients clearly are a violation of the fifth commandment.)

Contraception is sinful because it is a violation of the natural law and the very first commandment from Genesis: be fruitful and multiply.

Given that the author is laboring under some misconceptions, I would not generally think his/her list would be very helpful.
This brings to mind a linerick, that actually won a prise in a secular poety contest:

I’m too old for pride, greed, and lust,
And gluttony’s for the robust.
Of envy, I tire.
I can live without ire,
But sloth is an absolute must.

Lousey hermatology, but great for remembering the seven deadly sins.


Wasting time is a mortal sin?
The seven deadly sins are what defile a man. Not neccesarily measuring how grave a sin is.
Wasting time is a mortal sin?
The seven deadly sins are what defile a man. Not neccesarily measuring how grave a sin is.
Wasting time = Spitritual Sloath. Objectively it is a mortal sin, but nowadays so people even know what a sin is, they may not be culable mortally here. That still does not excuse them from the Natural Law which is written on everyones hearts as St paul says.
I came across this vey useful list of Common Mortal Sins. It is pretty black and white. You might find it useful.
At the website you gave, on the page about Olive Murphy, she says:

“The messages I have been given for the world are serious and urgent. By this I mean that what I have to say must be taken seriously - and must be responded to by each and every one of you as a matter of urgency if you are to safeguard your own souls and the souls of those who are near and dear to you.”

Dangerous stuff, this. Although I think she is sincere, her arm-twisting tone is worrisome. The Church cautions us about private revelations, especially those not approved by the Church. Olive Murphy is speaking for herself, not the Catholic Church. The approval by her spiritual confessor is meaningless for me; it could be a sham, and even if it isn’t, we know there are many misguided priests.

When looking for an examination of conscience, or any information on matters of faith and morals, there are trustworthy, eminently loyal-to-the-Magisterium sites such as

► EWTN (see: Fr. John Hardon’s “Examination of Conscience” at or

► Fr. C. John McCloskey’s Catholic Information Network (see “Examination of Conscience” at

Information on what constitutes mortal sin is available in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1854. I couldn’t find a list of mortal sins except by going to the CCCC search ( and finding every mention of the word “grave.”
The approval by her spiritual confessor is meaningless for me; it could be a sham, and even if it isn’t, we know there are many misguided priests.
Unlike you, I do my research, the Priest is genuine. I called him
and verified his credentials from the details provided on the website.

Here above is an Independent link to his Order. I called the Tel Number and spoke to him. The website even has a section for you - “For the Skeptics” . It is to the point and honest.

This is one of the few websites I have found that is not very pushy, not looking for any sales of any description. I quote from the Home page -

“Of course, you have your God-given freewill to accept or reject what I am saying - and it is understandable if you have difficulty with some of the things I may say - but God, the Blessed Trinity will only permit me to say what is true.”

I believe this woman to be sincere (She could have a pious and creative mind, deluding herself) and in keeping with the Magisterium. Her messages are nothing new only the fact that there would appear to be little time (A few years) left. As Catholics we should be living as if today is our last day, so there is no big deal here. As with all these kind of things a healthy Scepticism is always good as time will tell in any case.
The validity of Olive Murphy’s vision doesn’t have anything to do with the list of mortal sins that we have been discussing. There is no indication of where this list came from. The message does not include them. No source is identified.

How many of the most devout Catholics think that they will go to hell for showing their elbows? I would think that if this were the case that it would have been mentioned somewhere else. I have never seen concern from the Pope or the Magesteriam about elbows, or knees. Does anyone have anything that supports this idea? I know that modesty is an issue, but isn’t this going a little too far?
Wasting time = Spitritual Sloath. Objectively it is a mortal sin, but nowadays so people even know what a sin is, they may not be culable mortally here. That still does not excuse them from the Natural Law which is written on everyones hearts as St paul says.
Please show me where in the catechism I’ll find wasting time to be a mortal sin? Yes, if you were to stop praying and refuse to grow spiritually out of the intention to not love God it would be a grave sin. Though what constitutes wasting time? Seeing a movie? Going to a sporting event? Going to a restaurant? We should be supporting businesses with our money who are running their business ethically and according to our Catholic morals.
Wow, some of these are news to me. Lets say that hypothetically the author is right and these are all mortal sins…

I went to Reconciliation 2 days ago… haven’t done any sinse then… I don’t need to confess those things that I didn’t know where sins next time or anything, right?

And they’d be venial anyhow because I lacked “full knowledge” - or was it supposed to be written on my heart that wasting time is a serious sin? I guess I might have realized it’s a bit selfish…

And onto another subject… anyone got a good definition of lust? 🙂 My girlfriend and I basicly operate with the following rules for kissing (which may be a deceptively tame way to put it):
  1. We must immediately stop if either of us feels his/her ability to stop is weakening.
  2. We must immediately stop if either of us is tempted to lose sight of the other as the person he/she is and in the context of our relationship. Any physical contact (even a kiss on the cheek) is wrong if the motive behind it is merely the actor’s pleasure.
  3. [Long list of things that are always forbidden]
Criticism is welcome.
Man, reading this list reminded me of how easy, by ultra conservative standards it is to sin.

No wonder every one and their mother is inventing their own brand of Christianity these days, it’s brutal hard to be a “proper” Catholic.

I mean, seriously, by succumbing to the hormones God gave to our bodies for us to be “fruitful and multiply” is justification for us being damned to Hell? And then having to make it to Confession to get some sense of assuredness that you don’t have to suffer forever ever because of it?

Sometimes being Catholic can be VERY demoralizing. I almost don’t blame our brothers and sisters for leaving the church to seek something that is a little bit better at offering the hope people search for.
Please show me where in the catechism I’ll find wasting time to be a mortal sin? Yes, if you were to stop praying and refuse to grow spiritually out of the intention to not love God it would be a grave sin. Though what constitutes wasting time? Seeing a movie? Going to a sporting event? Going to a restaurant? We should be supporting businesses with our money who are running their business ethically and according to our Catholic morals.
I think you are missing the point. If you carelessly do not use your time on Earth for the greater honour and glory of God, you have wasted precious time that could effect your eternity. Again, objectively this can be seen as Sloath and Idolatary (Laziness and Seeking Pleasure and Comfort). On another point, it may be better for us to sacrifice your money to the poor of the third world then to look for a well run Catholic Restaurant and cook at home.

The Lord’s house has many mansions, this list is a help for those who want front seats with little waiting time in Purgatory. Free will is a heavy burden with amazing rewards if used for God’s Glory.
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