"Common Mortal Sins – Objectively these are always Mortal sins, subjectively these actions may make a sinner less culpable. For a sin to be mortal it needs to fulfill three criteria. One has to have full knowledge, give full consent and it needs to be a grave matter. There follows a list of grave matters.At the top of the list it talks about objectivity. Christ says if you love me - Keep my commandments, and taht Heaven and hell would disappear before one bit of the law would change.
To the informed Catholic, there is nothing new in this list. I find it interesting that some do not like it, maybe we should all frequent the confessional a little bit more often?
The wages of sin is death. Best not have any un-repented mortal sins on our souls when we meet our maker. Lists like this make us realise how easy it is to fall into sin. The road is narrow that leads to salvation and few take it.
To whom much is given much is expected. If you have read the list, you have been given much. The truth shall set you free.
Remember, if in death you have just one un-repented mortal sin , you will go straight to hell (Catechism of Catholic Church section 1874)"
Quote from the website where it speaks of objectivity. There is not one person here that can follow the law on every point. This kind of lawgiving is exactly what Paul speaks of in his writings as being over with. There is not one shred of evidence in any of Paul’s writings, John’s writings, Peter’s writings where this kind of “keeping the law” is expressed.
And, if this is also true, all the old testament saints went to hell. They weren’t given this kind of warning that is given on this website. This reminds me of people making fun of fundamentalists for their “end of the world” ramblings. The intent is to scare people into obeying. It’s fire insurance. I’ve heard this kind of preaching from the pulpit in my Baptist upbringing all my life. And to this day I still cringe to hear it.