Literally zero spectators at joint Biden-Harris campaign appearance in Arizona

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Literally zero spectators at joint Biden-Harris campaign appearance in Arizona. (News media apparently an exception.)

Joe and Kamala “firing up the base!”

I will be surprised if the mainstream media substantially covers this story.

But can you IMAGINE if President Trump held a Trump Rally in say, Dallas, TX or even “Podunk” Wherever and NOBODY showed up??

It would be front-page news for days.


Literally zero spectators at joint Biden-Harris campaign appearance in Arizona​

Who are you going to believe — the polls or your lying eyes?

Tue Oct 13, 2020

Thomas Lifson

October 13, 2020 (American Thinker) — Who are you going to believe — the polls or your lying eyes? With apologies to Groucho Marx, we now have the answer to the question: “What if they held a Biden-Harris rally and nobody showed up?” The answer is a shocked TV street reporter:

With nobody visible on the street outside, the reporter said, “Pretty much all the people we saw who pulled into the parking lot about 45 minutes ago were with the Biden-Harris campaign or the pool reporters.” And she noted that because both halves of the ticket were appearing, it was “technically, a big event.” . . .
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It’s pretty crazy that crowds didn’t gather at an event that wasn’t public and had details withheld from the public so that it wouldn’t attract crowds.
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Balto1 . . .
an event that wasn’t public and had details withheld from the public so that it wouldn’t attract crowds.
The campaign has to say that Balto1.

To everybody else:

You can see the video of the reporter in real time right here.

It is embarassing.

Like on commenter said . . .
It’s a bold strategy of Biden\Harris to keep the details of their campaign rally a secret.

I remember Hillary having tiny crowds too and offering the same type of excuses.

What are they going to say to the news media people when nobody shows up?

They can’t say . . .

Yeah. We had Joe and Kamala out campaigning together for the first time and nobody showed up.

They have to come up with an excuse.

You can see Joe and Kamala waving to a FAKE crowd (or at least just the press people) at about 1:40 into the Twitter video.

As I said. Can you IMAGINE if President Trump held a Trump Rally in say, Dallas, TX or even “Podunk” Wherever and NOBODY showed up??

It would be front-page news for days.
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Cut with the “lies” talk.

They at least publicized it to the media.

The media was expecting people.

Joe and Kamala were waving to FAKE crowds, giving the video impression there WAS people there.

I stand by my post.
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Dang they were waving? That’s insane, who would wave at cameras?
Remember that at about 1:00 into the video.

They allegedly don’t want a crowd of over 50 people at their events.

That was one of the excuses.

Keep that in mind as the campaign goes forward because they will be assembling much larger crowds elsewhere as election day approaches.

The “pandemic”.

Outdoors no less.

So we will see.

If they really WANT crowds of 50 or LESS people that will be easy enough.

Just have rallys with 50 tickets.

(Of course zero is less than 50,
so looks like they were safe here at this outside event!)
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“50 persons” probably includes Biden and Harris, campaign staffers, and the intended audience (tribal leaders in this case).
I bet they were concerned about the optics of more Trump supporters showing up than Biden supporters.

Not only that but the alternative media will video the crowd chanting:
“Four more years!” again. Just like what happened to Joe the other day (I think it was in Ohio or Nevada?).

That would be a “two-fer” for Trump.

One. Low interest in Biden.

Two. The mainstream media attempting to hide the Trump crowds and the alternative media showing the video with the sound off on the actual rally but a commentary voice-over (so you cannot hear the crowds chanting “Four more years!”)

This forces everyone to rhetorically ask:
Why is the mainstream media hiding this?

I say rhetorically, because they all know the answer.

The answer they all know, is the media is a Democrat outpost, and that would be yet another example of that. It would drive the point home even further how untrustworthy the mainstream media is.)
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Politifact is not trustworthy in my opinion.

Did the Biden campaign not “invite” people to Biden’s talk several days ago when Trump supporters showed up there??

There were MORE Trump supporters there than Biden supporters.

Biden and Harris can stop travelling if they REALLY don’t want people showing up.
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I just knew one of Trump’s fans would post this. Never let a good fake story go to waste!
Who are they trying to kid?

Obviously the campaign released details because not only the Indian representatives showed up, but the national press did as well. From the article:

"After meeting with tribal leaders, Biden and Harris delivered remarks in front of pooled national press members, which was live streamed, before launching their bus tour to meet with small business owners in the area.

The Facebook post’s claim contains an element of truth — it did show a Biden-Harris campaign stop — but it ignores that the campaign didn’t invite the public, or release any details about the event because of the pandemic. "

A lot more than an “element” of truth. If they didn’t “release any details about the event” how did the “national news organizations” know when and where to be there?

I suspect the original description of the event was more accurate than the later explanation.
A lot more than an “element” of truth. If they didn’t “release any details about the event” how did the “national news organizations” know when and where to be there?
It’s almost like they released details of the event to the people they were meeting with and the press and not the public in order to prevent a large crowd from forming during a pandemic that has killed over 200,000 people in this country.
It’s almost like they released details of the event to the people they were meeting with and the press and not the public in order to prevent a large crowd from forming during a pandemic that has killed over 200,000 people in this country.
That doesn’t really make sense. It’s okay for the national press to get Covid but not some group of Democrat faithful?

I organized some of those kinds of events back when I was a Democrat operative. Sometimes you knew you could get a crowd for an event and sometimes you knew you couldn’t. But there were ways of making the event look like a bigger deal than it was. If, however, there just wasn’t any hope of a crowd, you invited the media, had the candidate flash through and the media coverage was “the event”.
RidgeRunner . . .
I organized some of those kinds of events back when I was a Democrat operative.

Yep. This rally is attempting to be morphed into a “press conference” now.
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That doesn’t really make sense. It’s okay for the national press to get Covid but not some group of Democrat faithful?
It’s much safer for a small group of people to gather than for thousands of people to gather, yes.
This rally is attempting to be morphed into a “press conference” now.
It was not and never was a rally. This is an evidenceless claim. It is fantasy.
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