Literally zero spectators at joint Biden-Harris campaign appearance in Arizona

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The pandemic has provided a JB with lots of cover it seems. That might be ending very soon…
Yeah because Biden cannot generate enough interest in attending a rally.Better to just rename his events.Something the Dems are pros at doing.
Abortion- reproductive rights
global warming- climate change
Biden rallies- news conference :roll_eyes:
Balto1 . . .
It was not and never was a rally.
Maybe. But it was not and never was the press conference they are implicitly attempting to make it out to be either.

You don’t come out waving at a press conference.

It’s a rally alright. Or at least a mini-rally.
Just not how they thought it would turn out.
I read the USA Today article.

Propaganda. At least that was my opinion.

They ignored the obvious signs (that I brought out above) and offered no evidence other than their conjecture.

I am open to the Biden campaign attempting to play it both ways . . .

If hardly anyone comes, we’ll treat it like a press conference and ignore the fact that we can infect press people too.

If a bunch show up, we’ll close it off after 50 people, report that it was overflow, show wide-angle close-ups to make “crowds” appear bigger, film the overflow, then have the overfow move away so the evening new does not hear the chants of . . .
“Four More Years!” Like what happened several days ago.

What they probably were unprepared for is NOBODY showing up.

I’m of the opinion a better measure of enthusiasm is actual voter turnout. Biden came to my state a few weeks ago as well. It wouldn’t occur to me to spend my time at a rally attempting to dodge Covid-19 droplets. A much better use of my time is at the poll, casting my early vote. AZ, I note, also has early voting.
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Especially when you consider all the Republican efforts to suppress voting, a lot more time may be required.
A salient point and I agree. I’ve read multiple reports of people standing 8-10 hours or more in some places. One article I read made another interesting point–that votes cast early or mailed cannot be changed or retracted between now and Election Day. If large numbers of Democrats have already cast their votes, then that leaves a smaller and smaller pool of remaining voters that might be swayed by Republicans.

Conversely, by waiting until Election Day, Republican voters have a longer period of time where they are able to change their mind. Or, even catch Covid-19 at a rally and having to sit out on Election Day altogether.

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It was poorly attended and FAKE.
I already did. Notifying the press.

Notifying the press does not make an event or an appearance open to the public.

I understand the passion that politics creates among supporters of each nominee. We, as Catholics, have a duty to the human dignity of fellow humans, even in the midst of heated and at times desperate runs for that office, the ultimate goal of the candidate.
Yep, many votes are already in. I plan on going next week.
Our ballots arrived two days ago and will be mailed off within a few days. I have zero desire to stand in lines (I’m a bit handicapped and standing is painful) and with my future son in law being immunocompromised , my husband and myself being high risk, sure don’t want to risk exposure to Covid19!

I love that we have various options in Colorado and have had them for many years. I will proudly wear my “I voted” sticker!
humilityseeker . . .
Notifying the press does not make an event or an appearance open to the public.
Do you think this was private?
Do you think this was a press conference?

WHY was the news woman expecting to see people there? It wasn’t because they already told her it would be a private event.

Why do you think Biden and Harris came out waving in every direction acting as though there are a crowd of people watching them?

What are you going to say when Biden and Harris have large visitor venues later as the election approaches?

Do you think Joe inspires a crowd? No. His campaign knows that. That’s part of WHY they were keeping Joe in the basement ostensibly because of corona virus, yet sending out Jill Biden to bigger crowds that Joe was getting.

Have you considered the political repercussions of a larger Trump crowd than Biden crowd?

What about Joe giving a speech to the chants in the background of “Four More Years”?

Look at their words to be sure. But look at their actions as well.

I think they anticipated SOME Biden supporters there and were wrong.
They did NOT want Trump supporters there for obvious political reasons. We’ve seen the results of that the last several days.

All this says something different to you then it does to me.

That is fair.

But I don’t think my respect for the Catholic view of “human dignity” should subsequently be called into question, even implicitly, because of my interpreting the Biden campaign actions differently than you.

humilityseeker . . .
I understand the passion that politics creates among supporters of each nominee. We, as Catholics, have a duty to the human dignity of fellow humans, even in the midst of heated and at times desperate runs for that office, the ultimate goal of the candidate.
Perhaps if you want to consider human dignity in the equation it may be better to focus on the candidate instead of me.

It may be worthwhile in the realm of human dignity to consider that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
think it is perfectly acceptable to tear innocent people limb from limb as long as they are pre-born.

And Government should provide police FORCE to PROTECT this premeditated murder. This is how they think concerning “human dignity”.

I am fine with you disagreeing with me here though. But I have considered the story and the rebuttal. And I have considered the human dignity aspects.
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So many questions you ask.
I am not going to respond to the ‘allegiance’ imperatives.

I suggest perhaps getting in touch with the press office of the Biden campaign and asking the nature of this tour. Much better then debating the alleged point with a group of Catholics on a Catholic forum dont you think. Get it directly then report back to us. One point of view is right, the other wrong. Circumvent all these charges of ‘fake news’ or not.

Emails and phone calls are pretty cost effective measures of establishing the truth.
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humilityseeker . . .
So many questions you ask.
I am not going to respond to the ‘allegiance’ imperatives.
Fine. You don’t need to respond.
I suggest perhaps getting in touch with the press office of the Biden campaign and asking . . . Emails and phone calls are pretty cost effective measures of establishing the truth. . . . Get it directly then report back to us.
If you think that, I suggest you get in touch with President Trump or his campaign and asking him if Joe Biden was being truthful when he kicked-off his campaign with the Charlottesville hoax.

Emails and phone calls are pretty cost effective measures of establishing the truth.

Get it directly then report back to us.
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an event that wasn’t public and had details withheld from the public so that it wouldn’t attract crowds.
You seriously believe that? I think that’s the lamest excuse for a washout Ive ever heard.

If genuine, Im looking forward to the same procedure for every single Biden rally for the rest of the campaign, with zero turnout each time. Otherwise we can ask why a particular exception was made on this occasion.
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Fine. You don’t need to respond.
Especially to interrogative imperatives seeking personal views. Personal views do not equate to facts. Personal views can equate to fake news and its propagation.
If you think that, I suggest you get in touch with President Trump or his campaign and asking him if Joe Biden was being truthful when he kicked-off his campaign with the Charlottesville hoax.
Please do not change topics. Your topic is
Literally zero spectators at joint Biden-Harris campaign appearance in Arizona.
This thread is attempting to establish the private or public nature of a visit to Arizona in respect to crowds and invitations to events.
Surely there is no agenda posting going on here. Let us stick to the topic.
Get it directly then report back to us.
Is it not easier and less hassle, if seeking to make a point in creating a thread, to get a direct answer so you can directly say ’ it was a public event, x # of tickets were released to the general public, x # of tickets were taken up, x # of people showed up…therefore…

As it is people are responding to you with ‘prove these meetings were public’ meetings. Your reply,
Notifying the press.
Notifying the press of what exactly, where and how and by whom and for what purpose.

This will be my final reply on this thread as I suspect any further discussion will be influenced by personal allegience rather then objectivity.
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humilityseeker . . .
Please do not change topics.
I knew that was going to be the response I got.

And I considered it too. Even before you posted it.

The problem is, if you can trust direct communication, and Trump says Biden is lying, WHY should I trust Biden on anything else?

Including a fabrication of a fizzled-out Arizona event?

Now you might respond saying something like . . .

“Well Cathoholic. I would not trust the Trump campaign to give me accurate information on the Charlottesville hoax.”

The problem with that is, if you took that position, you would be contradicting your own statement regarding direct communication.

Or you might say . . .

“OK Cathoholic. I did check with the Trump people and they told me the same thing they have said in public venues. That Joe Biden was not being truthful when he kicked-off his campaign using the Charlottesville Hoax.”

In which case you would also be undermining your own advice to me to contact Joe Biden staff.

Look. If you don’t want to do that fine.
But I have got to have the same freedom to reject your directive too.
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humilityseeker . . .
This will be my final reply on this thread as I suspect any further discussion will be influenced by personal allegience rather then objectivity.
Fair enough for you to think that humilityseeker.

Have a good night and thanks for the discussion.
Not maybe, reality.
But it was not and never was the press conference they are implicitly attempting to make it out to be either.
They aren’t attempting to make it a press conference. It was a campaign meeting with an interest group, an extremely common sort of campaign event the press is often invited to.
You don’t come out waving at a press conference.
Politicians wave at cameras, especially when actively campaigning. It may shock you but Republican politicians also wave at cameras.
It’s a rally alright. Or at least a mini-rally.
It simply was not. This remains fantasy.
Just not how they thought it would turn out.
It turned out exactly as they thought it would turn out, those who were invited came. Those who were not invited did not come.
They ignored the obvious signs (that I brought out above) and offered no evidence other than their conjecture.
Oh the irony.
WHY was the news woman expecting to see people there?
She wasn’t.
What are you going to say when Biden and Harris have large visitor venues later as the election approaches?
Nothing, because they won’t. There’s a lot you can say about Biden but his campaign takes hundreds of thousands of people dying seriously instead of encouraging infections and deaths.
I think they anticipated SOME Biden supporters there and were wrong.
Why would you think something this silly?
You seriously believe that?
Yes, because as humilityseeker helpfully linked a couple posts up that was the plan announced by the Biden campaign a week ago.
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