Little house on the prairy. ah, the good old days!

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Minnesota is on my to-do list. I’ve been to DeSmet, SD; Mansfield, MO and Independence, KS. They were all great. Mansfield has a lot of stuff. The original home that Almanzo built is still standing and they made it into a museum and they keep restoring as time takes it’s toll on it.
It was a very nice trip. My wife and daughters waded through Plum Creek, we ate a Nellie’s and shopped at Oleson’s Merchantile. The museum is a must see, as is the original homestead site. The girls all brought back small handfulls of rocks from Plum Creek. It will always be one of my all time favorite family times.
I don’t know of any vacation packages. We stayed in Marshall Minnesota which is very close by. It was a very inexpensive trip. Of coure, gas was cheaper then.
I would **love ** to see the final episode again; I’ve seen it only once, and then by accident. Some big concern had bought up all the land and was forcing everyone to move, but the locals found out that they (the evil big concern) didn’t own the houses. So they got some dynamite and blew up all the houses and buildings.

(Actually, the producers of the series were required by contract to return the land to its former condition, so there was an actual reason for blowing up the buildings.)

So funny to see this thread! My family and I sit together nearly every evening to watch that show. My family gives us one of the DVD seasons on special occassions. I got season 1 for my B-day last year and 2&3 for Xmas.

It’s hard to pick a favorite - I loved all of them, especially the early ones, but so far season 3 has been the most fun. The kids loved the one where Laura pushes Nellie down the hill in the wheelchair. And that Halloween one was great too. I loved the Christmas one in Season 2.

I don’t remember Waltons very much b/c I was so young - I don’t think I related to the situations as well as I did the Ingalls’. I’m sure I’d love them now though.

I never thought of going to Walnut Grove - thanks for telling us about it!

Nope, there’ s nothing like that on TV anymore. Other than PBS specials and EWTN (which we only get through the computer) there’s not a thing of interest to me, and there certainly aren’t any wholesome programs for families. Tough times to be raising kids.😦 The media doesn’t encourage people to be pure or Godly or virtuous… People used to care about morals in the media, but everything has done a complete 360 in that area now. It encourages torture for money(FearFactor - I hate that show! I can’t even stand the commercials!), adultery…

Thank you, Mr. Landon!
oh yes! Laura was so bad! I remember sitting there wondering in Nelli was faking it and then just KNOWING that laura was going to make her pay. but the best part was when Mr. Olson saw Nelli stand up in water, she shouted, “It’s a miricle!” and she fell out of the carrage!!! I fell out of my seat laughing so hard.

yes, I hate fear factor too! comercials are just as intolorable as the shows they sponsor. when we watch little house on halmark, I have to mute the TV.
I love Little House on the Prarie.

I will but the DVD sets so my children can watch it.

How about the Waltons.

Love those good, wholesome shows.
I love LHOTP! Lots of great episodes, but two of my favorites are the one where Ma Ingalls had a cut on her leg which got badly infected, and she had to deal with it by herself, since she was home alone making pies, and the one where Mary and Laura were supposed to use the Sunday School treasury money to buy a new birthday Bible for Reverend Alden – instead, they bought some medicines, with the intent of selling them to earn money to buy a more expensive Bible.

Another great one was the one where Nellie was trying to get Almanzo interested in her – Laura deliberately wrecked the meal Nellie and Almanzo were going to eat (cayenne pepper in the cinnamon chicken!), Nellie retaliated by misleading Laura on the content of the teacher’s exam, and the two of them ended up getting into a big mud fight.

And who can forget the sight of Mrs. Oleson, all dolled up, accompanying Pa Ingalls, Mary, Adam, and Joe Kagan on the way to meet up with Hester Sue Terhune and her students?

By the way, if you ever get the Laura Ingalls Wilder Cookbook – make the gingerbread recipe; it’s great!

I would also recommend the essays Laura wrote (as an adult) for the farming magazine (there are several books available that reprint some of them) – she was a very interesting person!
The pilot episode is not on the 1st season DVD set so you’ll have to get it by itself. It follows the Ingalls family as the leave the big woods and travel until they find their homestead. It also introduces Mr. Edwards and has the great Christmas scenes.
My favorite show! 😃 I have all the DVD sets.

I wish TV was like this again…it’s gotten so dreadful… Even if you’re watching a “wholesome” show the commercials are often offensive. So sad what ‘entertainment’ has come to. 😦
I enjoy LHOTP too!! My favorite is the Christmas episode when Laura trades Bunny for a stove to give to Ma. Love it!!! I want the DVDs.
I keep wondering if she’ll ever turn nice, but my mom said she never will.
SueKrum, Nellie does change in the series. Then comes Nancy.
Nellie got a lot nicer after she met Percival Dalton.

There’s another Christmas episode I really like – the whole family is snowed in on Christmas Eve, and they recount Christmas memories that were especially meaningful to them. I watch that one every Christmas; it’s so sweet. 🙂

The rest of the world can have the new shows, with all the violence, bad language, the smirky wisecracks, and the shock-value – I’ll take LHOTP (or Leave It To Beaver or The Waltons) any day!
I bought my wife seasons 1-3 and 7 as Christmas presents over the past two years. SHe said they were the best presents ever
Oh yes, Nancy, she actually made Nellie look nice. I loved the show when Harriet wanted to adopt a child, after Nellie moved away and when “Harriet met Nancy” it was priceless. She punched her square in the nose though some box or something and Harriet said I want her!
I’m 49 so I seen them from the begining, I also read all Laura Ingalls Wilder’s series on little house, as did my daughter. They are great for children. and yes, “Manly” is a cutie;) and no matter what generation you lived in everybody knew a girl like Nellie.
Well I am not 49 for three more years but I love that show. During Christmas vacation I watched it every time it was on. Now I know that it is on at 8:00 pm on the tvland channel. I love the books and have read them each about ten times. When I homeschooled I would read them to my children and my oldest son sent letters to all the places Laura lived. There are museums in just about every place. We ordered paper dolls and games from some of these places. Oh it seems like life was hard yet compared to today it seems like it was a whole lot less complicated. My dream vacation is to visit all those places and then hit St. Edward Island the site from Green Gables which I also loved.
I like the Little House series also. The books are excellent. One of her books that have been overlooked is Farmer Boy. It was a novel about her husband’s childhood. I read that outloud to my sons and I was in awe of how much work his mother did.

Although the series is a shining example of good writing and acting, please don’t think that it was indicative of tv series of the time period. There have always been offensive shows. I was thinking of Maude which was made a few years before Little House. Bea Arthur’s character had an abortion on the show. Of course this was a long, long time ago and my memory is sketchy on Maude. I just remember the news reports about it. My point is that not all tv was good and moral in the past. Even those shows that were not offensive were often so insipid and stupid that watching them was difficult. Let’s face it, except for a few wonderful exception-Little House and the Waltons are the exceptions- most sitcoms are pretty dumb.
Well I am not 49 for three more years but I love that show. During Christmas vacation I watched it every time it was on. Now I know that it is on at 8:00 pm on the tvland channel. I love the books and have read them each about ten times. When I homeschooled I would read them to my children and my oldest son sent letters to all the places Laura lived. There are museums in just about every place. We ordered paper dolls and games from some of these places. Oh it seems like life was hard yet compared to today it seems like it was a whole lot less complicated. My dream vacation is to visit all those places and then hit St. Edward Island the site from Green Gables which I also loved.
Ann of Green Gables is another great series of books that was turned into a good tv show. I think that it was shown on PBS.
I like the Little House series also. The books are excellent. One of her books that have been overlooked is Farmer Boy. It was a novel about her husband’s childhood. I read that outloud to my sons and I was in awe of how much work his mother did.

Although the series is a shining example of good writing and acting, please don’t think that it was indicative of tv series of the time period. There have always been offensive shows. I was thinking of Maude which was made a few years before Little House. Bea Arthur’s character had an abortion on the show. Of course this was a long, long time ago and my memory is sketchy on Maude. I just remember the news reports about it. My point is that not all tv was good and moral in the past. Even those shows that were not offensive were often so insipid and stupid that watching them was difficult. Let’s face it, except for a few wonderful exception-Little House and the Waltons are the exceptions- most sitcoms are pretty dumb.
The 70’s and 80’s, starting with All in the Family seem to be the downfall in TV, the jokes “imo” were really not that funny, almost each show seem to have either a loud mouth bigot like Archie calling everyone names and George Jefferson calling his DIL a Zebra and insults at her white dad and black mom (salt and pepper jokes are not funny week after week) or an obnoxious Women’s lib Maude, lets not forget Married with children, the ultimate insult to stay at home moms, unfortunatley that stero-type is still around today. Roseann saw the first show and never watched it again. That show (to quote the 80’s) “Grossed Me Out”
You’ll have to excuse my ignorance…

So the Little House On the Prairie show was based off of real people?

I thought it was fictional???
It is sad how TV has degraded. If they made Little House on the Prarie today one of the girls would be a lesbian and the other would be a tramp and the mother would be fooling around with the beared guy. I had Direct TV at one time and 90% of what I watched was EWTN. Some of the other channels though were pure garbage.
I actually liked the new version better than the one from when I was a kid. It stays closer to the book. I like the oldies but the new version is great too. I plan to buy the new version that was on TV last year on DVD.
You’ll have to excuse my ignorance…

So the Little House On the Prairie show was based off of real people?

I thought it was fictional???
The books, written by Larua Ingalls Wilder were based on her life. There is a whole series of books. The tv series from the 70’s and 80s took off on it’s own with alot of “creative liscense” But the original shows are more like the actual books. The new version made for tv last year was very close to the actual books.
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