Our actions speak loudest. And one of the lies was “you shall be like God…” To disbelieve God, to favor ones opinion over His,* is* to place oneself above Him. It’s sin because it’s an anomaly, against reason, out of sync with God and the rest of creation. And the first such sin or disordered action was to reject God by rejecting His word.It would be the dim view of humanity that a person who actually knows God, but does not heed His word is intending to put himself above God. People refuse to heed His word because they are either blind or ignorant, and strongly desire something, not because they want to put themselves above God. Eve did not say or believe, “I am above God” or “My own desires have priority above God”. She believed “you will surely not die” and “the fruit is good”, which were both arguably falsehoods.I
I’m not saying that ignorance doesn’t play a role; we’re here to learn something alright; I’m saying that they knew enough to know better-the accountability factor is critical for man. Otherwise God may as well have not withheld the Beatific Vision to begin with; why not just place everyone in His immediate presence where unending happiness rules the day? Instead He placed Adam-and Adam’s descendants-in a position of needing to choose Him and therefore that happiness that comes only from Him.The greatest good should be the greatest attractant. Falling away from that good and towards a lesser good is the instance of opening the door to evil.
When a person begins to understand that there’s something basically wrong or impaired with the world, with the state of human affairs, then she can begin to seek outside of herself and the world she finds herself in. And that seeking eventually leads to God.