Looking for good catholic fiction!

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I will third this vote. Marcus Grodi’s novel was a great read. During the week I read it I would be at work and think: “I can’t wait for quiting time so I can go home and read Marcus.”

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Oh Yes this was a really good book. I enjoyed it and I learned from it as well…wish he would write another.
If you like mysteries, I recommend the Fr. Koesler mysteries by William X. Kienzle. Or the Father Dowling mysteries by Ralph McInerny. Both are amateur sleuths who help police with murder mysteries. Not real deep reading but very entertaining and also clean. How refreshing.
They are not fiction but the Saint books by Mary Fabian Windeatt are EXCELLENT…written for children, teens and young adults, they are prime examples of Catholic literature.
here is the link for St. Catherine of Senna used in homeschool curricumims as a 4-6 grade appropriate book report book.
Hello. Sorry I didnt have time to read through, so I dont know if someone else has posted this, but the best, or one of the best pieces of Catholic fiction I have read is “The Spear” by St. Louis de Whol. He wront many other books but I havn’t gotten to read any more than that, its about the centurion who pierced Christ’s side. Very good historical novel to if you are intersted in that peroid of the Roman Empire! I loved it!
A good book I read a while back was “The Accidental Pope” by Raymond(?) Flynn. The book is about a laicized priest that gets elected pope. I believe Mr. Flynn was the U.S. ambassador to the Vatican at one point.

I’ve also recently checked out from the library “Conclave” by Greg Tobin, so I don’t know what it’s about, but an educated guess is that it’s a novel about the next papal election.
Right now I’m reading Shadows on the Rock by Willa Cather. I can recommend Death Comes for the Archbishop, which she also wrote. The Catholic faith & morals are woven throughout them.
Technically Willa Cather was Episcopalian/Anglican, but if her lit has many Catholic themes and sensibilities, then she deserves to be in the Honorary Catholic Authors Guild along with C.S. Lewis.😃
Nobody’s mentioned Ron Hansen yet, at least that I saw. He’s a Catholic who teaches at Santa Clara University. He’s all over the map when it comes to subject matter & I, for one, appreciate that in a writer. Try Atticus. Like O’Connor & Greene, Hanson’s books can be challenging & not necessarily light reading. But well worth taking the time on!

And a few have mentioned GK Chesterton but none, that I saw, mentioned The Man Who was Thursday. Wow. Get the annotated version 'cos there’s a lot there!

Also, if anyone’s interested in poetry, try Gerard Manley Hopkins, who wrote in the mid-1800’s, & Pavel Chichikov, who we are blessed to have writing now!

And has anyone read A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter Miller, Jr? I read it over 10 years ago & loved it but that was before I came back to the Church so I’m interested in other views. I’ve been thinking of re-reading it.

God bless, folks!
Hi Riabia,
Thank you for starting this thread. I’ve read some of the messages and am excited by all of the fiction mentioned.
I’m a writer, have written a few novels, my characters are Irish and Catholic. I haven’t sold any fiction, but neither have I tried very, very hard.
A forum that would allow writers to share our work with each other would be very welcome. Perhaps a website, similiar to www.authorme.com where writers upload their work and everyone gets to read it.
Inertesting stories about a Jesuit priest sent to an Indian Reserevation and his acceptance by the people of the parish. Note: Read the books as publish and obtain the flavor of her thoughts. jc
Think Author stumbles on possible Nich market. I’m not sure what type of fiction you read, I recently published a suspense thriller with a decidedly Catholic tilt to it.


Also on Barnes and Noble .com Walmart.com

Suprisingly many of my born again Christian family members didn’t like the book, although others did, perhaps they couldn’t seperate me from the charectors, however my Priest our nuns and most of the parisioners at my church loved it.

I am always looking to push into new markets and to answer questions about my book feel free to e-mail me personally rt5793@yahoo.com or post a reply to the thread.

I would be happy to post a story overview as well if there is a place for it. I appologize in advance for not having the web site in operation yet. In adition to raising three children and marketing a book, I write for my local paper and maintain a pesky day job at the phone company. I don’t want to be a starving author.

I would be happy to send a copy to any of you who are friends of Oprah or Mel Gibson as well. LOL gotta have a sinse of humor in this buisness
Try out some Walker Percy. He and Flannery O’ Connor were both southern Catholics and bring that flavor with them in their writing. Both were excellent writers as well as faithful Catholics.** Don’t expect thinly-veiled screeds aka “Left Behind” (or the soon-to-be followup “Right Behind” or the great finale “The Big Behind” 😉 )**. Walker Percy, like O’ Connor, is serious good lit.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
That’s my laugh for today!
This is a great thread… Thanks to Roy Thornton for resurrecting it! 👍
And has anyone read A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter Miller, Jr? I read it over 10 years ago & loved it but that was before I came back to the Church so I’m interested in other views. I’ve been thinking of re-reading it.
I’d love to read “Canticle” but there’s so much Latin in it, I’m afraid I’d get lost 😦

Does anyone know of a “Canticle” helper?

ooooh yeah, I forgot a few. There’s a great novel called, A Miracle for St. Cecilia’s and don’t forget George McDonald’s *The Parish Papers. *Good stuff!!
“A Miracle for St. Cecilia’s” is by Katherine Valentine and is the first of what is currently a four book series. She has also started another series featuring Catholics.

St. Cecilia’s parish is about to be closed and the priest doesn’t know what to do. Read and find out about the miracles God works.

mommyaprilj said:
“A Miracle for St. Cecilia’s” is by Katherine Valentine and is the first of what is currently a four book series. She has also started another series featuring Catholics.

St. Cecilia’s parish is about to be closed and the priest doesn’t know what to do. Read and find out about the miracles God works.


There are now four:

A Miracle for St. Cecilia’s
A Gathering of Angels
Grace Will Lead Me Home
On a Wing and a Prayer

Plus, there’s The Haunted Rectory: The Saint Francis Xavier Church Hookers. Those are people who hook rugs- but the draw is there.
If you enjoy browsing old book shops, thrift stores, or buying cheapies off eBay and Amazon, try the author Taylor Cadwell. Almost all of her books had a Catholic theme. My favorites are:

Grandmother and the Priests
Answer as A Man
Testimony of Two Men
Great Lion of God
Dear and Glorious Physician
The Wide House
A Pillar of Iron
Captains and Kings
Ceremony of the Innocent
I didn’t read all the posts . . . did anyone mention The Miracle of the Bells?
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