I am a revert to the Church after considering leaving the Church Catholic after my divorce and during the annulment process. I came running back which is another subject for another time.
I have even MORE appreciation for the priest shortage and the consideration needed by all parishioners to be Bold, be Brief, and Be gone. That is the only way to let the greatest number of people to confess in a short period of time. We have a Sacrament many churches/denominations don’t ; private confession. Be considerate of others’ time as well.
I have made two appointments for confession when I needed more time. That is the standard expectation for Catholics. If a priest spends more time with you for you are upset and need counsel of course that is his prerogative. He wants to help all and you have put that priest in my opinion in a precarious position of needing an hour of time for a slot of 1.5 hours or however long your priest hears confession.
I have even MORE appreciation for the priest shortage and the consideration needed by all parishioners to be Bold, be Brief, and Be gone. That is the only way to let the greatest number of people to confess in a short period of time. We have a Sacrament many churches/denominations don’t ; private confession. Be considerate of others’ time as well.
I have made two appointments for confession when I needed more time. That is the standard expectation for Catholics. If a priest spends more time with you for you are upset and need counsel of course that is his prerogative. He wants to help all and you have put that priest in my opinion in a precarious position of needing an hour of time for a slot of 1.5 hours or however long your priest hears confession.