I realize I haven’t been clear on a few things!
First, when I talked about “losing my faith”, it was a “spur-of-the-moment” statement, and I was targeting the catholic church, and not my faith in Jesus in general. I can see how it can be confusing for any devout catholic on this forum with a different reality than mine. I’ve been realizing that our experience as a christian weighs immensely in the balance!
Secondly, as for my reasons not to move to another area, there are plenty. I’ve spent the last few years travelling and living abroad, and I couldn’t see my family for almost 2 years. I’ve only recently come back to my home region, and my fiancé and I bought a house back in january. We’re getting married next month. His father is very sick and we want to live close by for as long as he’s alive. The life here is also very ideal for a family - plenty of space to have many kids, to grow our own food, cheap housing, friendly and helpful neighbors. Also a good christian community, only they’re not catholic. The only issue here for us is the issue of the catholic church !
As some of you know, I only recently came back to catholicism. Before that, I read the Bible at home, prayed and worshipped all the time, and never in my life have I been so in FIRE for Jesus. He was in all areas of my life, hence why I say God is everywhere so moving should not be the only option in my book. Sadly my faith is not the same since coming back to catholicism and that’s what makes me sad and upset.
P.S.: my problem with the local parishes is legitimate. I’m not being fussy about details. Since churches reopened after the lockdown, all churches have been using pre recorded music, one of the priests shows up wearing flip flops, changing the words for exemple instead of saying “Jesus Christ our lord and savior” he will say “our brother and our friend”… he introduced so many foreign things into his masses, and he’s been watering down the gospel so much that all you can pick up from his sermons is “peace and love”. no joke. Also as I mentionned, only elders are attending. Last Sunday I went and there was an African priest who seemed to be quite passionate about Jesus (he’s not usually there) but his preaching style didn’t fit with the attendance who were almost sleeping. It was so sad.