Louisiana Catholic Church says gay relationships are sinful, and those who do not think it a sin are like the devil who twists the truth

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I think you mean you decline to answer.
Correct, I decline to answer politically
Majority of what? As I understand it, the US does not deal with Constitutional change via referendum, so I guess this goes not mean “majority of the people”?
Well the majority of the People are represented by our elected officials.
Elect the political majority with Socialist, Communist, Islamic leanings. The result will become these. But to get to this state of affairs, we as a country must decay in our morality, which has begun the course. Interesting we went from freeing the slaves to killing babies in the womb, go figure?
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I believe the flag slogan “Don’t Tread On Me” applies for those citizens protesting laws against them. My faith does not impede on others let’s get that straight.
Oh it can! Hang the ‘Ten Commandments’ in a public building (but never the Koran!)! Require that prisoners get counseling at an evangelical resource. Those two things happened until struck down by the courts. That was faith impeding on others.
our ignorance of how much the Catholic Church is under attack shows in your statement.
Will Rogers said that we are all ignorant – just on different subjects. Don’t confuse pluralism with religious discrimination.
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Those two things happened until struck down by the courts. That was faith impeding on others.
The point was my Catholic faith not faith. Again you misconstruing the subject at hand. Can you name an incident where my Catholic faith has impeded on others? Because the Louisiana Catholic Church says gay relationships are sinful according to the OP, she is speaking to her flock and anyone else who has ears to hear. To proclaim a public sin to one’s own flock, is not impeding on others.
Can you name an incident where my Catholic faith has impeded on others?
Nuns used to ride free on NOLA transit. That was struck down in 1988 since all religions were subsidizing Catholicism. They still have an ‘Ursulines’ street, though.

The point is that a majority religion can impede on the minority.

"FOR more than a century, Roman Catholic nuns and priests had received free public transportation in New Orleans. But not until last October did the practice come under legal challenge.

The American Civil Liberties Union sued to halt it as a ‘‘blatant violation’’ of the First Amendment provision separating church and state. Under the city policy, the suit asserted, ‘‘all taxpayers are coerced into subsidizing a religion favored by the government.’’

The lawsuit, filed in Federal District Court, will be dropped as unnecessary, the civil liberties group now says. A stringent new policy on free transportation is to take effect in New Orleans on Feb. 1.

That policy, ordered by the board of commissioners of the Regional Transit Authority, will end free streetcar and bus rides not only for nuns and priests, but also for police officers and firefighters, says an authority spokesman, Bill Oiler."

Man, I have a memory!
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How would you feel about a historical-type display of the Ten Commandments?
Would you acknowledge that British law and American law have some basis in judeo-christian values and the Ten commandments?
But I’m pretty sure our history does not feature the Koran and Muslim values the same way.
Is there such a thing as American value system? Is it more akin to traditional values of Western Civilization, or more akin to Muslim values?
Ditto for Hindu, Buddhist, Shinto, pagan, Aboriginal spirituality, Wiccan, Confucianism, etc?
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The Constitution is always under attack because the document proclaims God gives every human being a right to be free and live without Government and laws impeding on the divine human rights.
I guess you are American. Which makes it awkward for an Australian to point out that you seem not to know the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The constitution doesn’t mention God at all.
But I’m pretty sure our history does not feature the Koran and Muslim values the same way.
That’s a slippery slope I’m not going to slide down. American ‘values’ were not always closely aligned with American legal history and legislation. American history has many regrettable incidents.

If you say this is a nation of American values based on a Judeo-Christian heritage, it is sort of inaccurate and much of the thought is a misnomer. The questions are propagation of faith and freedom of practicing a particular faith.
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