Loving homosexuals, transgenders means telling them the dangers of LGBT behavior

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I’m not trying to define sin. I’m asking how holier than thou responses to homosexuals and supporting general social and legal policies to make their lives awful, and then patting yourself on the back for being awful to homosexuals can be perceived to be compatible with the Gospel.
I’m not trying to define sin. I’m asking how holier than thou responses to homosexuals and supporting general social and legal policies to make their lives awful, and then patting yourself on the back for being awful to homosexuals can be perceived to be compatible with the Gospel.
You wrote:
supposed sins of others
in response to puppson:
Christian love includes Christian teachings. Here’s two:
1.God proscribes homosexual activity–it is an abomination.
2.Marriage is between one man and one woman. Same sex “marriage” is a counterfeit.
I can say that with perfect love. Love for God, first and foremost!
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Does Stonewall ring a bell?

How about Matthew Shepherd?

How about the countless partners over the years who were denied access to dying/injured partners because they were not family?

I can go on, or does that describe “awful” treatment enough for you?
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You quote Christ…yet your username suggests you don’t even believe in him🤔
Does Stonewall ring a bell?

How about Matthew Shepherd?

How about the countless partners over the years who were denied access to dying/injured partners because they were not family?

I can go on, or does that describe “awful” treatment enough for you?
The problem is, there are people who don’t think any of those are “awful” at all. ☹️
Seems a bit like cognitive dissonance to me
Not necessarily. Sometimes an outsider throwing Christ’s teachings back at us can make us realize our foolishness and our hypocrisy. Call it “eating humble pie”. We often need to be reminded that sometimes, the worst thing about Christianity is… Christians themselves.

Dialogue with non-Catholics is important. But it works both ways and requires that we listen to our interlocutor regardless of his/her beliefs. I welcome it.
Clearly you choose to miss my point entirely,oh well not surprised.:roll_eyes:
And what point is that?

@niceatheist is very correct. Far too many “Christians” forget how to be Christian when it comes to this topic and many think it is their duty to make sure the “gays know their place”.

I would argue that his attitude is much more like Jesus than many posters in this forum.
Far too many “Christians” forget how to be Christian when it comes to this topic and many think it is their duty to make sure the “gays know their place”.
I don’t think I have ever heard or seen someone, Christian or otherwise, act this way.
@MikeInVA here are 3 examples just from this thread.
Loving homosexuals, transgenders means telling them the dangers of LGBT behavior.
Who has the courage to do that today, besides me. I tell it like it is out loud, in public, when the opportunity presents itself.
Instruct and counsel also…the salvation of souls is the mission…whatever it takes.
ETA: @Theo520, not sure why this is replying to you. I was attempting to reply to the last post by Mike in VA.
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here are 3 examples just from this thread.
The first and third are statements of opinion, not examples. As I read the second, it appears to be more of how this person states his mind in discussions. I don’t think that he rides up and down the street screeming at people through a loud speaker, although I may be wrong. Again, I have never personally seen anyone verbally admonish someone with SSA. Like the threads about how unwelcoming the Church is to people with SSA, I think it is more of a stereotype than a fact.
Not exactly sure how you come to your conclusions.

Every thing I posted was an attempt by someone to make sure those who are gay know that they are sinners. Admonish the sinner, right? Even if the only “sin” is being attracted to the same sex, even if it is not being acted upon.

It seems to me, not only on the internet, but also in some of the circles that I travel in IRL, that being gay, even if chaste, is seen as a horrible affliction and that all gay people just want to indoctrinate our youth and make everyone a party to their deviant lifestyle. It is a very sad and very real problem.
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Does Stonewall ring a bell?

How about Matthew Shepherd?

How about the countless partners over the years who were denied access to dying/injured partners because they were not family?

I can go on, or does that describe “awful” treatment enough for you?
Is any of this recent?
Either way it looks like you have a warped understanding of Catholicism if you think I advocate things like this.
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Doesn’t matter if it is recent or not.
You asked for a definition of “awful” treatment. I gave it to you. All those things were awful and the same attitude that brought us those things is still prevelant in some corners of Christianity.
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Okay, then it looks like niceatheist was making a straw man for the most part.
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