Lowest Divorce Rates in the Nation

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Here is a list of the lowest divorce rates in the country. Notice the location of the states that have the lowest rates. Now notice the location of the states with the higher rates. Speaking of “Northeast liberals”…

The complete list is available here: divorcereform.org/94staterates.html
Here is a list of the lowest divorce rates in the country. Notice the location of the states that have the lowest rates. Now notice the location of the states with the higher rates. Speaking of “Northeast liberals”…

The complete list is available here: divorcereform.org/94staterates.html
This is a divorce rate per 1,000 population. Wouldn’t you do a divorce rate per 1,000 marriages, not population? Because you would expect a low divorce rate if the marriage rate was also low, wouldn’t you?
Very interesting. Thanks for the stats, Gilliam.

The first report just proves that statistics are what we make of them. 🙂
Also, it reports divorce data by state of occurrence, NOT by state of residence.
I think I now know the answer, the number of unmarried households in these states is much larger than in the ‘red’ states. See this map:


Another mystery solved! 😃
What that means is that those bible-belters marry way more carelesly than those north east liberals and divorce equally carelesly.

And then after their 7th divorce they whine about the liberals devaluating the worth of “holy marriage”

Those who marry fast and divorce even faster are those who devaluate marriage, not liberals.

What that means is that those bible-belters marry way more carelesly than those north east liberals and divorce equally carelesly.

And then after their 7th divorce they whine about the liberals devaluating the worth of “holy marriage”

Those who marry fast and divorce even faster are those who devaluate marriage, not liberals.

It’s not one or the other, its BOTH!!
Less marriages are less divorces, in addition the southern protestantism more massive than in the north, accepts the divorce, (in theory follows the Bible but I know that Jesus say no to the divorce) and there are more divorces except in Lousiana the catholic state in the south, greetings
What that means is that those bible-belters marry way more carelesly than those north east liberals and divorce equally carelesly.

And then after their 7th divorce they whine about the liberals devaluating the worth of “holy marriage”

Those who marry fast and divorce even faster are those who devaluate marriage, not liberals.

I don’t think this statistic will support that conclusion unless you are suggesting that every person in a red state is a bible thumper. I’ll grant that what you suggest is a possibility, but we need waaaaaaayyy more data before we can say.

What an astute observation. I didn’t know that most southerners divorced 7+ times. Maybe one of our “bible belt” friends can answer this one, because in my perspective, southerners are no more prone to divorce than northers are.
What that means is that those bible-belters marry way more carelesly than those north east liberals and divorce equally carelesly.

And then after their 7th divorce they whine about the liberals devaluating the worth of “holy marriage”

Those who marry fast and divorce even faster are those who devaluate marriage, not liberals.

New York does not have no-fault divorce laws. This means fault has to be proved before a divorce can be granted. Net effect - many work out their problems. No-fault divorce is an easy way to exit the marriage - net effect - leaving women alone with their children in poverty.

Check the law where you live.

From Liberalism is a Sin

Between her and the people, it seeks to dig a deeper and deeper abyss of hate, prejudice and calumny. NATURALISM, THE DENIAL OF THE SUPERNATURAL, IT INCULCATES EVERYWHERE. To divorce the entire life of the people from her influence—by the institution of civil marriage, by civil burial and divorce, by teaching the insidious doctrine that society as such has no religious relations or obligations and that man as a social and civil being is absolutely independent of God and His Church and that religion is a mere private opinion to be entertained or not entertained, as one pleases such is the program, such is the effect, and such, in turn, is the cause of Liberalism. But the most pernicious—because the most successful and lasting—propagator of Liberalism is:

In practice, this principle ingratiates itself into social and civic life, directly or indirectly working out to the prejudice of religion and morality: Civil marriage and divorce, mixed marriages and the consequent degeneration of family life, business standards and morality in general pitched on a low key, a vicious literature, a materialistic journalism catering to lax thinking and lax living, religion publicly mocked, scoffed, denied or held indifferently; all these things are coldly regarded as a matter of course, a necessary expedience, things to be condoned and applauded, all on the ground that they are the fruit of liberty. But the most virulent effect crops out in the prevailing educational theory. Here Liberalism manifests itself in its most direful and fullest effects, for it denies to religion the very sphere where it has the strongest right and the fullest reason to use its widest and most lasting influence, viz., upon the minds of children.
New York does not have no-fault divorce laws. This means fault has to be proved before a divorce can be granted. Net effect -.
People drive to another state to get a divorce?
The simple truth is divorce as every bit a threat to marriage as is any other practice. Christians would do well to acknowledge that they themselves are also commiting grave sins when the divorce and remarry…same-sex marriage is not the only threat to God’s institution of Holy Matrimony. If Christians want to take the stand that same-sex marriage is wrong (which it is), then they also need to be honest and say divorce is wrong, so is contraceptives, etc…
What that means is that those bible-belters marry way more carelesly than those north east liberals and divorce equally carelesly.

And then after their 7th divorce they whine about the liberals devaluating the worth of “holy marriage”

Those who marry fast and divorce even faster are those who devaluate marriage, not liberals.

Why does your message reflect so much animosity?

Based upon the people I know throughout the Bible Belt, as well as the rest of the country, those who marry more than twice seldom belong to any church. Those who have been married exactly once are more likely to be regular church-goers.

Also, those who consider marriage sacred are less likely to live together before marriage for long periods of time and those who truly believe in God’s law will not live together before marriage.

Please keep in mind that this is based on anectdotal (sp?) evidence.
Look at that report. At the bottom it indicates that the information is divorces by state of occurrence, not by state of residence. Also take a look at the states and their rankings. Neighboring states with similar demographics have widely different rankings. That points a difference in law rather than culture. It should also be remembered that the report reflects data that is between 10 and 22 years old.
the people in the states were the divorce rate is high tend to marry younger, which why they have a higher divorce rate. Also, the people in the states where there are not many divorces tend to be Catholic. Where, of course, divorce is frowned upon.
Dear Gilliam,

Did you fail to see the percent listings? They represent the number of marriage and percents that divorce! Surely you can understand that it’s a rate- meaning it isn’t the total number but the percent. Also, Gilliam, haven’t you noticed that the percent of coupled/married households in comparison with the total number of households is very similar for all the regions?
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