Lucifer ranking prior to his fall

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Therefore all Angels who are going to sin already did when Satan fell. All of the angels have already made their decision regarding obedience to God, and that decision is final, there is no reason they would ever change their minds.
How come the decision to change their mind is final :confused:.

There should be some sort of protection from GOD Himself in order to protect them from changing their mind again, don’t you think so?
How come the decision to change their mind is final :confused:.

There should be some sort of protection from GOD Himself in order to protect them from changing their mind again, don’t you think so?
Their decision is final because they will not recieve any new information. There will be no new temptations for the angels, nor previously unknown information for them. Angels do not have our limited minds nor limited perception. So a human might change their mind multiple times as more information becomes available but an angel won’t, it already has all of the information.

I think the only way God could “protect someone from changing their mind” is by removing their free-will. I don’t think God would ever do that.
Their decision is final because they will not recieve any new information. There will be no new temptations for the angels, nor previously unknown information for them.
:confused: But how come, every day or so we have a new scientific invention here on earth, such information shouldn’t the Angels know about?
:confused: But how come, every day or so we have a new scientific invention here on earth, such information shouldn’t the Angels know about?
Apparently, angels live outside of time, or at least that is what I have read more than once on this forum.

Personally, I find the concept of a conscious being who is less than God living outside of time to be almost completely impossible to grasp. It seems to me that the very idea of consciousness requires one to travel in time, and yet angels are not supposed to do so. How they can exist like that is . . . well, despite having contemplated it many times, I just don’t get it . . .
How come the decision to change their mind is final :confused:.

There should be some sort of protection from GOD Himself in order to protect them from changing their mind again, don’t you think so?
Taking away their option to choose would be against Free will, remember God does not want a bunch of robots around him.
Hell is eternal

where the worms that eat them do not die, and the fire is not quenched. Mark 9:48.
I repeat…

"And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire"

Here, it clearly says, Hell will be thrown into the lake of fire, How could Hell be thrown into itself? that is not possible.

Id also like to know what the ‘worms’ are eating right now, since no one has the glorified bodies yet, the dead in hell would all be in spirit form, last time I checked, a spirit had no physical body. we wont get the glorified bodies until Jesus returns.
:confused: But how come, every day or so we have a new scientific invention here on earth, such information shouldn’t the Angels know about?
I have no doubts that Angels comprehend the sciences far better then we with our much more limited intellects ever will.
I have no doubts that Angels comprehend the sciences far better then we with our much more limited intellects ever will.
Are you implying that Angels already know all the science humans know from computers to internet and cars?

If that is the case, then we humans are discovering those scientific innovations based on a previous knowledge which was already known to the Angels, and probably only by GOD instructions, He allowed that science to be inherited to us from the Angels, thus, no credit should be given to any human for anything…

Can someone please give me a bible reference to Lucifer’s fall.
Revelation 12:7-12 . . . The great dragon was hurled down–that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. . .
Are you implying that Angels already know all the science humans know from computers to internet and cars?

If that is the case, then we humans are discovering those scientific innovations based on a previous knowledge which was already known to the Angels, and probably only by GOD instructions, He allowed that science to be inherited to us from the Angels, thus, no credit should be given to any human for anything…

Look at the forbidden knowledge the fallen angels taught mankind…astrology, root cutting (pharmacology), beautification of the eyes (womens makeup), alchemy, etc. I believe there are a few more, but not sure on those.

Angels know all there is to know about our world, they understand all that we do not, we have only begun to scratch the surface of what is possible when it comes to physics and science in general, humans are capable of much greater things, but we just dont know how to use or ‘activate’ them yet…Ive read a few recent articles suggesting ALL humans are capable of telekinesis, but we dont know the mental process of activating it yet, I think the same can be said of alot of other abilities we probably have.
Are you implying that Angels already know all the science humans know from computers to internet and cars?

If that is the case, then we humans are discovering those scientific innovations based on a previous knowledge which was already known to the Angels, and probably only by GOD instructions, He allowed that science to be inherited to us from the Angels, thus, no credit should be given to any human for anything…

There is always a first time that any human has ever known some particular thing. It’s true most of the time for most of the people, there is no new thing under the sun, but it is not true for everybody all of the time. At some point in time, somebody has to be the first mortal ever to understand some particular idea.

There may be intelligent life on other words that both predates ours and is more intelligent, but that doesn’t mean that some human somewhere on earth is not the first past the post with some invention or discovery.

Horses are faster than people, but that doesn’t mean that there is no such thing as the fastest man on earth. There are elephants stronger than any man, but that does not mean there is no such thing as the strongest man on earth, or for all time for that matter.

Even if both God and the angels are all better at math than any man, that doesn’t mean that there are not great mathematicians discovering mathematical truths that no man has ever known before.

There is no harm in acknowledging that somebody somewhere was the first human to know something, nor is there any particular harm in some quasi-governmental body consisting of men who know their business awarding somebody such a distinction even if it can occasionally later be shown that somebody else actually knew that something first.

Do we know for an absolute fact that any one man is the smartest, strongest, or fastest man ever (or currently)? No, but we can still make educated guesses.

We are necessarily limited in our knowledge because we are finite fallible human beings, but that does not mean that we are always necessarily wrong or not to be credited with knowing anything any more than it means that some men (and women) are not fairly strong or fast without being the strongest fastest creatures in existence.
But still the question remains: Do humans inherit the scientific knowledge from the Angels? (assuming that Angels know absolute complete knowledge of all possible sciences in heavens and earth).
Are you implying that Angels already know all the science humans know from computers to internet and cars?

If that is the case, then we humans are discovering those scientific innovations based on a previous knowledge which was already known to the Angels, and probably only by GOD instructions, He allowed that science to be inherited to us from the Angels, thus, no credit should be given to any human for anything…

Indeed all credit and glory should be given to God. That doesn’t mean humans haven’t discovered things previously unknown to us. But we have not discovered things outside of God but only have discovered more about God’s creation. It is also important to remember that much of our technological advancements are self-serving. A non-physical being that doesn’t need food really has no need for pesticides etc. Also our gain of knowledge is achieved in a very limited way. We often do not fully grasp the technology’s effects before we start using it (pesticides for example). So I am not implying we have inherited our technologies from Angels, angels have no use for our technologies. They do however understand everything about the universe both physical and spiritual better than we do. An Angel could produce a fantastic technology, but why would they? Except of course perhaps in obedience to God who is answering a prayer of a suffering human.
A non-physical being that doesn’t need food really has no need for pesticides etc. Also our gain of knowledge is achieved in a very limited way. We often do not fully grasp the technology’s effects before we start using it (pesticides for example). So I am not implying we have inherited our technologies from Angels, angels have no use for our technologies. They do however understand everything about the universe both physical and spiritual better than we do. An Angel could produce a fantastic technology, but why would they? Except of course perhaps in obedience to God who is answering a prayer of a suffering human.
Interesting methodology…🙂
It has been stated by many scholars, Lucifer was a Seraphim angel. Some say he shared the top position and others say he was #1. Other angels from other ranks also sinned and a lower ranking angel could have sinned worse than a higher ranking angel. Every angel’s sin was with different intensity.
Ive read that Lucifer was a Cherub, a low ranking angel. He was just the best at being bad, which gives him a “higher rank” as a demon.
Ive read that Lucifer was a Cherub, a low ranking angel. He was just the best at being bad, which gives him a “higher rank” as a demon.
Cherubim is the second highest ranking angels after Seraphim.
Cherubim is the second highest ranking angels after Seraphim.
Oh my bad, well I guess the point, according to Aquinas I think, is that Lucifer wasnt exactly a top ranking angel, he only gained that notoriety as a result of his rebelliousness.
Id also like to know what the ‘worms’ are eating right now, since no one has the glorified bodies yet, the dead in hell would all be in spirit form, last time I checked, a spirit had no physical body. we wont get the glorified bodies until Jesus returns.
You would have to ask Jesus that. He was the one who said “Where the worm never dies and the fires are never extinguished”.

One nun saw a vision of a man in hell having devils driving nails into his skull. How did that happen?
You would have to ask Jesus that. He was the one who said “Where the worm never dies and the fires are never extinguished”.

One nun saw a vision of a man in hell having devils driving nails into his skull. How did that happen?
Well, then we have completely mis-understood the bible, as it clearly says ONLY the spirit goes on the afterlife and that except for 3 people, NO ONEs 'body can enter the afterlife.

Im assuming this vision was given to the nun as an intense way to encourage worship in God, I think alot of people are under the assumption that Satan and the demons ‘run’ and control Hell, but that is not true, Hell was created specifically for them, to be their place of punishment, not as a ‘home base of operations’, where demons can do whatever they want…remember they are being punished there as well, so Id like to see who/what is tormenting and torturing the demons there.
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