Mac or PC?

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I’ve been thinking of getting a Mac Mini. Does anyone have experience with or opinions about this machine?
I just looked it up, and this computer goes back to 1998. I’d say that says a lot about longevity. This computer is almost 9 years old and still has totally original everything.
Yes, I don’t doubt it. Macs are good computers! 👍

I once accidentally dropped my Performa down an empty elevator shaft (five stories) - it was a hand-operated elevator, and I had the trolley half way in before I realized the elevator wasn’t where I thought I had left it - anyway, needless to say, after I dropped it that distance (the trolley flipped over with the computer still on it - I still haven’t figured out why I didn’t go down with it), it didn’t work very well, so I took it in, and it took the Mac technicians less than a day to get it sorted out. Lost all my data, of course, but I was back up and running by the end of the day. Covered by warrantee, too - I was totally amazed by the quick and cheerful service. 👍
I’d buy a Mac tomorrow if there were any programmes worth running on one! :rolleyes:

Ok, I’m a convert to PC gaming and was amazed to see how few games (of all genres) there are for Macs. The ones they have are at least five years old by PC standards and carry the same price tag they did when they were first released on PC? Yeah, right, watch me get my wallet out!

But of course gaming isn’t the be all and end all of having a PC, so if that isn’t going to be an issue then a Mac is a worthwhile choice. (Also, since it has no games, if you have children they won’t be sat on it for hours on end?)

Consider what you want from a computer and buy accordingly is the best way to approach it.
But of course gaming isn’t the be all and end all of having a PC, so if that isn’t going to be an issue then a Mac is a worthwhile choice. (Also, since it has no games, if you have children they won’t be sat on it for hours on end?)
If you get a Mac, you can write your own games using Flash Action Script plus all the cool graphics, audio, music, and video programs that are available for the Mac.

Now who’s more trendy? 😉
Now who’s more trendy? 😉
Trendy? I hark from the ZX Spectrum days when a computer had 48K of memory and games were typed in or loaded from an audio cassette! (Now that’s old-school or what?😃 )

Besides, I shudder to think what kind of games my imagination would come up with given the right tools. The world isn’t ready for it!
We have 4 kids under the age of 6. We only have ubuntu computers. One for Henya and I is just ubuntu, The kids share 3 edubuntu s. In the past 3 years they have come along so far that I would say for normal use of internet, e-mail, Open Office (for writing) and GNU Cash for accounting they are so easy to set up I would recommend them to anyone. I don’t use wireless so I can’t say there. But with DSL it sets it self up when you load it.


I bought an iMac G5 in January 2006 following a spyware attack on my old Windoze machine. There is nothing like one. OS X 10.4 aka “Tiger” runs on it. For those who don’t know - OS X is a derivative of Unix.

The Safari browser is about the best there is, yes, even better than Firefox.

As for an Office suite, you need not buy from Microsoft. Go to

and download for free their open-source suite, which is compatible with MS Office. You can not only open/read MS files sent by PC users, you can create your own with OpenOffice and save them in the familiar .doc, .xls. .ppt formats.

There’s another suite called NeoOffice on this same site, with more of that iMac look and feel.

No regrets, mate.
The Safari browser is about the best there is, yes, even better than Firefox.
But it’s based on Konquerer/KHTML, the native browser in KDE (including Kubuntu)
As for an Office suite, you need not buy from Microsoft. Go to
Also available for Windows and Linux, so no clear advantage for the Mac. BUT… iWork is very nice, once you get used to the change in paradigms and the lack of a spreadsheet. And $79 for one computer or $99 for up to 5 computers in the same hose isn’t bad at all!
But it’s based on Konquerer/KHTML, the native browser in KDE (including Kubuntu)

iWork is very nice, once you get used to the change in paradigms and the lack of a spreadsheet. And $79 for one computer or $99 for up to 5 computers in the same hose isn’t bad at all!
I’m not at all familiar with any of the “K” family you mention herein.

I did want to point out that a Mac user need not spend extra money for MS Office. You see, I DID, in fact, buy a copy of MS Office for the Mac ($400 less $200 mail-in rebate) the day I bought my first Mac (an iMac G5). When a Unix guru at work put me on to OpenOffice, I brought the copy of Office right back to the store (it was unopened, thank God) for a full refund.
I am so tired of my PC laptop crashing, even with Vistal that I am seriously about a MacBook. My concern now is the size. How much do they weigh? Aren’t new PC laptops smaller?
I am so tired of my PC laptop crashing, even with Vistal that I am seriously about a MacBook. My concern now is the size. How much do they weigh? Aren’t new PC laptops smaller?
Not sure how much mine weighs, but it doesn’t feel very heavy, and I lug it around in my backpack every day. It’s not very big, but the 13-inch widescreen sure is nice, and it’s very thin when closed.
I’m wanting a laptop, but would consider a desktop if the features or abilities are that much better.

I want top ot the line and able to do just about anything.

Opinions and suggestions please?!

Bill Gates & his abominations would try the patience of a saint - do not get a PC, ever.​

Get a Mac 🙂 ##
videos and music… The regular iPod is 80GB. Why only 8GB for the phone?
I have no idea.

I’m so old-fasioned that I store my videos and music in something called an “entertainment centre,” which is a five foot tall wooden cabinet surrounding the TV set in my living room. (It has absolutely no gigabytes whatsoever, that I am aware of.) 😉
I love my mac and will never get anything else. I’m typing this on an EIGHT YEAR OLD iMac!😃 How many eight year old PC’s do you know that are still going strong. I even have OSX on it (although I stopped with 10.2.8).

I gushed over the iPhone when it debuted but reading some reviews from phone sites, it’s not going to have all the latest and greatest capabilities. Will the Mac look be enough to win me over? Maybe. Well, probably. I guess I’ll probably upgrade computers when i upgrade phones. And yeah, I’ll probably go for a Mac Book and free up some space on my desk.
I love my mac and will never get anything else. I’m typing this on an EIGHT YEAR OLD iMac!😃 How many eight year old PC’s do you know that are still going strong. I even have OSX on it (although I stopped with 10.2.8).
I have an old Compaq from 1999 with Windows 2000 on it that still chugs along 👍
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