You are not alone. Most of us, at some point in our lives, have some kind of difficulty with the marvelous relationship between God and persons.
May I begin with some basics about God as known by Christians. First, there is only one almighty God Who created everything. What was created was our own material world and our human nature residing in this world. Regarding the nature of this Creator God, we describe it as totally spiritual, that is, God is pure spirit without restrictions. Nothing limits God. The beauty and intelligibility of our universe reflects the creative power of God.
We all know that the author of the first three chapters of Genesis was not a Ph.D. scientist. Nonetheless, this author was a keen observer. He observed the marvels of the universe such as the sky, earth, sun, water, etc., and correctly attributed them to God as Creator. He observed the animals, birds, fish, and creeping things. Finally, he observed himself and fellow humans. Then as now, humankind is peerless. We are the pinnacle of earthly creation. What makes humans different from everything else is that we can communicate with our spiritual Creator God Who is not a natural being like ourselves and our universe. Within our nature, there is the inherent sense of the spiritual, that is, the super-natural. This sense of the spiritual aka immaterial or non-material, has existed since the dawn of human history. Obviously, this recognition of a spiritual existence had taken many forms, some good, some not so good.
By the time the author of Genesis, chapters 1-3, put quill to parchment, there were numerous populations having different views of the super-natural. It was the Hebrews who had maintained the tradition of humankind beginning as Adam and Eve and their relationship with a totally spiritual God as their Maker. The non-scientist author, an excellent observer of real life, recognized that the only way humans, with definitely physical/material anatomies, could communicate with their spiritual, non-material Maker was that at the point of human creation, God created a way for humans to remain human, yet have a spiritual principle which would enable them to have a relationship with God. Stepping back so that he could get a good look at humans who, at that moment, were worshiping the One God, the author realized that in order to communicate with God, these people needed to be spiritual in some way.
In addition, God often communicated with the Hebrews by way of prophets and other “holy” people. Because God was not a material being like ourselves, God needed a way to communicate Himself to a material human being.
At this point, the Genesis author added the creation of human beings to the list of swimming creatures and winged birds. What is noticeable about Genesis 1: 26-27, is the shift from a general list to a specific material creation which, in context, is different from everything else.
Then God said: "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.
It was certainly clear that humans, with their decomposing anatomies, were not divine. Yet, human communication with God, and especially a loving relationship, needed to be beyond that of common humanity. Humans had to be similar in some way to God. That similarity had to be part of the created human nature. The author correctly deduced that the human nature was both material and spiritual. Having this spiritual principle, known as the spiritual rational soul, makes it possible for humans to have a true relationship with God. God did not change His nature in order to be in a relationship with humans. God designed human nature with the goal of being in relationship with Himself. To meet this goal, humans were given the spiritual aspect, aka soul, which was needed for them to seek and love their spiritual Creator.
The limited spiritual aspect of humans made them similar to, yet, not the same as God, an unlimited Spiritual Being. Thus, a living relationship could be established between Divinity and humanity. This is what is being described in Genesis 1: 26-27.
“God created man in His image;
in the divine image He created him;
male and female He created them.”