Mae Magouirk - being murdered

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What is the world coming too? The grand-daughter has to feel she is going to get something out of it.:mad:
Dear friend

Appalling. Is this old lady Catholic?

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Say there is a similar thread on Terri’s board. More info and posting there. Take a look

Lisa N
Yes there is and ways you can get the word out and expose the evil being done.God Bless
yeeeeehaaaaaw. Step right up, step right up, and take your turn on the slippery slope. If you make it to the bottom alive, that’s when the real hell starts!
Yes, Lisa, I heard this on Glen Beck this morning. The woman is neither terminal or in a vegetative state, and her grand daughter is still trying to kill her. She found a sympathetic judge who gave her medical power of attorney, while the people at the hospice were give the rest of the family the run around. Holy Mary, pray for us!
I can’t say “Satan’s kingdom come” but indeed “Satan’s will be done” here
Yes, Lisa, I heard this on Glen Beck this morning. The woman is neither terminal or in a vegetative state, and her grand daughter is still trying to kill her. She found a sympathetic judge who gave her medical power of attorney, while the people at the hospice were give the rest of the family the run around. Holy Mary, pray for us!
Glen also brought up the connection between judges and hospices, especially those that are for-profit.

A very scary situation indeed. Who decides which lives have worth? I can think of several situations in my own immediate family where extreme medical care was given, i.e., my twin nieces who were born at 28 weeks gestation, among others. Which of these cases would NOT have been deemed worthy of the care given?

We have fallen into the pit and we didn’t even notice. Rational people argue that children should have a waiting period of one month or more (Peter Singer, head of Bioethics at Princeton) for the parents to decide if they will let them live. The no-longer-funny looney left rationalizes killing in the name of their sacred cow…privacy. They will give up our entire civilization just so that they can have abortion on demand (which of course facilitates sexual liberation…you can’t have one without the other). We are at the mercy of hedonists.
Hannity said they were checking some facts and mentioned it on Hannity and Colmbs.

I have also emailed the Gov and the local rep in the area of LaGrange…

Its in our local paper, today.

If I get any responses I’ll let everyone , know.
I must be pretty dumb. I read the article, and I just can’t understand how this can be legal. The grandaughter is not even her next of kin, for crying out loud! How can the judges be given this much power? Are we living in a dictatorship? :banghead:
Countdown to America’s WELL DESERVED Divine Chastisement in: …4…3…2…1…

“Excuse me, Angel of Wrath”… please direct God’s destruction and lightening bolts to the U.S Supreme Court as well as the local ones for allowing this, and pass over those who pray for the will of God to be done. Thank You.
The fact that this granddaughter is an :mad: elementary school teacher is just the icing on the cake, as far as I am concerned. Not only is she killing her grandmother, she is teaching innocent children every day. Now what do you suppose they are learning about respect for human life???
God help us all!!!
Okay, as one from Ground Zero of the Terri Schiavo murder site, I can tell you that it won’t be long before euthansia comes to a neigborhood near you. What’s that old saying about not doing anything when they came to take others away, so when they came to take you noone was there? Who’s going to stand up for the feeble and the feeble-minded if not us? And if we don’t, they’ll be noone, noone to stand up for us. I fear for us Baby Boomers, we’ll considered a drain on the economy as we age, so when we’re sent off to the nursing homes and the assisted living facilities, they will in effect become de facto crematoriums. The prophet Jeremiah wept for Jerusalem, but our jeremiad against euthanasia seems to go unheeded…unless we act, and act now.
Okay, as one from Ground Zero of the Terri Schiavo murder site, I can tell you that it won’t be long before euthansia comes to a neigborhood near you. What’s that old saying about not doing anything when they came to take others away, so when they came to take you noone was there? Who’s going to stand up for the feeble and the feeble-minded if not us? And if we don’t, they’ll be noone, noone to stand up for us. I fear for us Baby Boomers, we’ll considered a drain on the economy as we age, so when we’re sent off to the nursing homes and the assisted living facilities, they will in effect become de facto crematoriums. The prophet Jeremiah wept for Jerusalem, but our jeremiad against euthanasia seems to go unheeded…unless we act, and act now.
Speaking as somebody who is (A) a baby boomer, and (B) living on a disability pension, I am, frankly, not sleeping real easy these days, because you are 100% CORRECT!!!
I, too, have emailed the govenor. I don’t know if this woman is Catholic; what scares me is she has made her wishes known and this Granddaughter of her’s has disregarded the wishes.

Is Sean Hannity looking into this?
In Spain we have had a political storm because the Madrid Goverment has dismissed the chiefs of a hospital because they order to give to the terminal patients sedatives without the will of their familiars, in this hospital more than double people died in urgences than other hospitals, the socialist oposition in the autonomy of Madrid has protected the doctors, and they want to legalize euthanasia. Sometimes, I am crushed for such a badness.
I, too, have emailed the govenor. I don’t know if this woman is Catholic; what scares me is she has made her wishes known and this Granddaughter of her’s has disregarded the wishes.

Is Sean Hannity looking into this?
I think he mentioned it on his show…that they were looking into it.

Check out the thread in Terris news…Here we go again thread…it has some up to date info.
Fr. Benedict Goeschel talked about this happening as soon as they pulled the feeding tubes from Terri S. He also said watch out for the insurance companies because they’ll find a way to force us to cut costs and let invalids, elderly, etc. die!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
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