Mae Magouirk - being murdered

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Helen Keller, both blind and deaf, done very well, even in old age. đź‘Ť
Okay, as one from Ground Zero of the Terri Schiavo murder site, I can tell you that it won’t be long before euthansia comes to a neigborhood near you. What’s that old saying about not doing anything when they came to take others away, so when they came to take you noone was there? Who’s going to stand up for the feeble and the feeble-minded if not us? And if we don’t, they’ll be noone, noone to stand up for us. I fear for us Baby Boomers, we’ll considered a drain on the economy as we age, so when we’re sent off to the nursing homes and the assisted living facilities, they will in effect become de facto crematoriums. The prophet Jeremiah wept for Jerusalem, but our jeremiad against euthanasia seems to go unheeded…unless we act, and act now.
You are very right. What makes this so incredibly hard is there are valid times to stop treatment. I work in an ICU and I have some really heartbreaking things go when families need to decide when to continue and when to stop treatment. I have had to make that decision twice in my life and it was horrible. You always wonder “what if we would have tried?”. I am very concerned with the inhumane treatment of Terri and Mae. Part of death is dying with dignity and being kept comfortable. That isn’t happening in these cases as far as I can tell.
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