MAGA Leaders Call For Military Help

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"At its core, the Insurrection Act gives the president authority to send military and National Guard troops to quell local rebellions and violence, offering an exemption to prohibitions against using military personnel to enforce domestic laws. Historically, it has been used in moments of extreme national strife — the Civil War, the rise of the Ku Klux Klan, violent labor disputes, desegregation battles, rioting following Martin Luther King Jr.’s death.

"Only once, however, has it been used in the wake of an election — and that was to stop a literal militia from seizing the Louisiana government on behalf of John McEnery, a former Confederate officer who had lost the 1872 governor’s race.

“Nonetheless, in the minds of some authoritarian-leaning and conspiracy-minded Trump supporters, the Insurrection Act has become a needed step to prevent President-elect Joe Biden from assuming the presidency. Their evidence-deficient reasoning: Democrats illegally rigged the election and are attempting a coup, and Trump must send in the troops to undo this conspiracy.”
And Gen. Michael Flynn is spearheading a movement to send military troops to the swing states. Mr. Trump, want to reconsider that pardon, or do you approve of such action? No need to respond.
And I though they were the True Americans? Instead, they are the insurrectionists! 😱. If they attempt this, Democracy and our Republic are in serious trouble.

For all their determination that the election was fraudulent, no admissible evidence has been brought forward. It’s empty rhetoric and delusional at this point and very unAmerican!
These people, the conspiracy theorists, have always been anti-government, and that is what attracted them to Trump. They see in him a soulmate. Funny, in a bizarre way, the extremist leftists are also anti-government. Imagine what they might do to this country if they joined forces?!
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It’ll never happen. I’ve posted here before, and I’ll post it again.

No military officer will ever give such an order. My best friend is a full bird colonel in the Air Force. My father, a mustang, retired as a W04 after 27 years in the navy. My other really good friend is a 25 year retired Navy Corpsman attached to the Seals. Every one of them would tell you they would never support such an act. And they know plenty of other officers (especially my colonel buddy who is very well connected).

A similar question, from the right, came up about whether President Obama would confiscate guns. As all of them said, “It’ll never happen.” I haven’t asked them about this, but I’m quite certain their answer would be about trying to overturn a valid election, “It’ll never happen.”

Just a bunch of hot air. Ignore the idiots. They can blather all they want. It’ll never happen.
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These people, the conspiracy theorists, have always been anti-government, and that is what attracted them to Trump
Depends on what you mean by “anti-government.” I’m certainly for a significant reduction in scope of federal involvement the affairs of the states, businesses, and individuals. Does that make me “anti-government”?

But no, it wasn’t any of this that led me to support Trumps agenda or policy changes. I would have been inclined to vote for him if he wasn’t such a *?#!. But I do know lots of people that support Trump because he wasn’t Hillary, isn’t Biden, isn’t Harris. No need to go all conspiracy theory to explain support for Trump.
These people are certainly not the ONLY ones who support Trump. But among these conspiracy theorists who are fed up with the federal and state government, and many of whom are racists and White Nationalists or White Supremacists, hardly any are smitten by the likes of Biden, Harris, or Hillary Clinton. One more important thing about this group: their numbers are no longer negligible.

Not saying you or other dear members of CAF fall into this group. There are definitely other reasons why some people support Trump and do not back Biden. Even many on the left are not enamored by the latter.
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Some problem child somewhere started a group for others that just don’t fit to join ?
Another theory the radical right is seizing upon is the idea that Trump will invoke the 2018 ‘Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election’ to impose martial law* on the theory that foreign governments were behind voter fraud. I’m seeing them hoping for this all over social media.

(*Just so that Rasoleil doesn’t level another bizarre attack on me for using the term ‘martial law’: I’m just stating what the nutjobs are saying. I’m not saying it’s possible or even makes sense. I’m an attorney focused on legal research; I know what martial law is. You would never need to “do my homework for me.”)
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It may happen, you have that Swallwell character, you have the Pentagon stopping briefings to Biden. We may well be stopping heavy Chinese interference in the election and if that happens, there is a right to call martial law.
there is a right to call martial law.
I don’t think so. If there were sufficient evidence to convince the military leadership that there was a rigged election and that the results of the election would endanger the future of the republic, then the first thing that should be done is to air it publicly. Before any action should be information.

I don’t think we’ll see any of that in the next month.
Whether I agree with the analysis or not, I believe this is what General Flynn has argued.

This alone talks about Sanctions against countries interfering in US elections:

Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election | The White House

There might be some sort of limited martial law, arguably, our movements have been restricted some with the pandemic.

Navarro’s report came out and their may be another from DNI, Dept. of National Intelligence, so it is being told to the people.

I hear people citing some law with a number, I am currently looking for that. Personally, I think that is going too far with what we know so far, obviously.
It may happen, you have that Swallwell character, you have the Pentagon stopping briefings to Biden. We may well be stopping heavy Chinese interference in the election and if that happens, there is a right to call martial law.
Whether I agree with the analysis or not, I believe this is what General Flynn has argued.
LOL. Now there’s a reliable source.
There might be some sort of limited martial law, arguably, our movements have been restricted some with the pandemic.
And that doesn’t bother you as an American citizen? Seriously? Just because your guy lost?
We’re a democracy … we don’t use Marshall Law to take back elections that were lost.
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