MAGA Leaders Call For Military Help

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Is it because main stream media won’t print or allow news to be disseminated?
I don’t think so. No news outlet could be so corrupt to ignore such news if there were evidence. At least I don’t think they would be …
I would hope they would not be, too! Some of the things they have blocked lately have me wondering…
Besides being unconstitutional this is looney- tune nuts and is part of what kicked me off the Trump train.
Can you imagine if Democrats said “Hey let’s implement martial law and forcibly vaccinate everyone?” Or if Democrats were claiming voter fraud and bringing ridiculous Supreme Court cases to try to disenfranchise millions of legitimate voters and order states to tell other states how to run their affairs?
Conservatives would be jumping up and down with outrage and rightfully so.
We are not remotely anywhere near the place where martial law should be called, voter fraud on a massive scale has not been proven it is only a THEORY and all of Donald Trump’s court cases have either been thrown out or decided against.
Look I am pro-life and vote that way but I’m not going to sanction unethical things bordering on fascism to keep someone in power that increasingly is showing that another 4 years of Trump being in office would be a disaster.
While I have grave concerns about a Biden administration I believe the man won the race an we have to accept it. That’s what we told the Democrats and Hillary voters in 2016.
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Not gonna happen. Ignore the hot air.
Oh, I know that, and you know that. The reason I’m not ignoring it is because I’m worried about what the true believer crazies are going to do on Jan 6 when they finally realize it.
I’m worried about what the true believer crazies are going to do on Jan 6 when they finally realize it.
I’m not crazy Wampa. I’m just very determined…

I will bring peace, order, and security to my new empire. Isn’t that what you want Wampa? Don’t you want to live without fearing that a rogue criminal will cut your arm off?

We shall have Peace…
I’m certainly for a significant reduction in scope of federal involvement the affairs of the states, businesses, and individuals. Does that make me “anti-government”?
No. Advocating for specific policy changes does not make one anti-government. But advocating for means like insurrection to achieve those ends does.
I’m worried about what the true believer crazies are going to do on Jan 6 when they finally realize it.
Nothing will happen 1/6 or 1/20. There might be some protests or speeches. Let say their piece and they’ll go away.
Nothing will happen 1/6 or 1/20. There might be some protests or speeches. Let say their piece and they’ll go away.
I hope you’re right. I think January 6 has the potential for some semi-serious drama, but by the end of the day everything should be settled.

January 20, however, might be REALLY entertaining. But like the 6th, by the end of the day it will be over.
The good news is that the Trump dead-enders are now limited to a few people in and around his cabinet. McConnell has signaled it’s time to move on. If Trump ever tried to pull anything like a coup he would be virtually alone, and it wouldn’t end well for him.
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So much for the patriotic right. Love of Trump trumps love of country, let the record show.
The good news is that the Trump dead-enders are now limited to a few people in and around his cabinet. McConnell has signaled it’s time to move on. If Trump ever tried to pull anything like a coup he would be virtually alone, and it wouldn’t end well for him.
On the other hand the most important “dead-ender” currently holds the presidency, is commander in chief, and enjoys the vigorous support of a significant part of the country.
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It doesn’t matter. He will soon be out of office. Then he’s somebody else’s problem.
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