I add a Nobel laureate with a strong voice, who is a Pontifical Academy of Sciences ACADEMICIAN, to our list of scientists vs that of Kolbe Center’s Advisory Council for the Study of Creation.
Nobel laureate and Pontifical Academy of Sciences ACADEMICIAN Christian DE DUVE (1) of Christian de Duve Institute of Cellular Pathology participated in The Cultural Values of Science, Plenary Session, 8-11 November 2002, Vatican City, 2003. His article **THE FACTS OF LIFE **begins on page 71 of this pfd:
Here are two excerpts from his article :
Pg. 75: * In recent years, opposition to the notion of a natural origin of life has been voiced by a very small but vocal minority of scientifically trained persons who, while subscribing to the notion of a LUCA appearing de novo on Earth and evolving into present-day living organisms, claim that these phenomena could not possibly have taken place by purely natural processes, but required the intervention of some nonmaterial guiding entity that forced the raw materials of life to interact so as to produce the first living cells and also, as will be mentioned later, directed the further course of evolution (Behe, 1996; Dembski, 1998; Denton, 1998). Known under the name of ‘intelligent design’, this theory, which is close to vitalism, has been magnified much beyond its merits because of its alleged philosophical and theological implications . I shall come back to it when discussing evolution. Let me simply state now that serious flaws have been detected in the scientific arguments brought forward in its support.*
Pg. 76: *5.
The Theory of Evolution Is More than a Hypothesis- In those words, Pope John-Paul II, addressing the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in a solemn session, on 22 October 1996, expressed the acceptance of biological evolution by the Church. Considering the implications of this statement, the evidence that convinced the Pontiff must be truly decisive. And so it is. Actually, the Pope’s statement was overly cautious. **Evolution is not a theory; it is a fact, implicit in the common descent of all living organisms and established with the same degree of certainty. **Thanks to the information provided by fossils and complemented by molecular phylogenies, we have a rough idea of the timing and manner in which evolution has proceeded. A schematic outline of its main steps is shown in Table 1. Bacteria were the sole representatives of life on Earth during more than one billion years. The first eukaryotes emerged around 2.2 billion years ago, probably as the outcome of a long evolutionary history of which no fossil trace has yet been found; they remained unicellular for more than another billion years. It is only after life had completed some three-fourths of its history on Earth that primitive multicellular plants, fungi, and animals first appeared, slowly giving rise to more complex forms. *
I read on wikipedia “De Duve proposes that peroxisomes may have been the first endosymbionts, which allowed cells to withstand the growing amounts of free molecular oxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere. Since peroxisomes have no DNA of their own, this proposal has much less evidence than the similar claims for mitochondria and chloroplasts.”
Dr. Alec MacAndrew wrote a splendid article **A different kind of transitional **which mentions endosymbionts! WOW!
What a flash back in time for me.
P.s. Please note that George V. Coyne, S.J. (2) article
MODERN COSMOLOGY AND LIFE’S MEANING appears on the above mentioned pdf which I located here:
We love you Father Coyne! You are always in my prayers.
Peace, joy, and love to everyone ~
- vatican.va/roman_curia/pontifical_academies/acdscien/own/documents/deduve.html