I’m not sure I undersatnd this point, are you asking if you’re still married in the eyes of God despite a divorce then are you allowed to be intimate with the person? If that’s the case, then what about if you have the marriage anulled?
Actually, those are good questions. I don’t have the answers.
But beyond the legalities…focus on the “intent” of the laws/guidelines.
Intimacy is husband and wife
renewing their covenant
with God.
If God is not part of the marital embrace then it’s likely to be a giving into one’s lusts in the moment (sex), not a true expresssion of everlasing love (making love).
It’s possible you’re setting yourself up here for disappointment no matter what.
You say your husband is returning, though you are separated and he’s seeking a divorce.
If you are separated then you don’t live in the same house and therefore you don’t share a bedroom, why would you think sex is a possibility?
Has he given you any indication at all that he intends to sleep with you when he returns?
Whose house would this be in, his, yours?
In either case you would have to willingly consent to such an act and I don’t see logically why you would.
I get that you don’t want the divorce.
That means you still love this man and it appears you can love this man forever, should he change his mind about the divorce.
That’s good.
But until he changes his mind there is no
lovemaking, there is only
sex and there is a HUGE difference between the two.
While you would not be sinning to have relations with him since you are still married, I believe you would be setting yourself up for a lot of hurt if you do.
Don’t go with your heart here.
Go with the advice of the Church.
Wives are called to honor and obey their husbands,
but that’s when the husband is honoring and protecting his wife. A loving husband would
never do anything to harm his wife, physically, emotionally or spiritually. He would rather die first.
When you have a husband like that, then you can trust in his desires for you.
When you have a husband who says he wants a divorce - which he knows you don’t want and therefore would hurt you - then he has already broken his vows with you and you are no longer obliged to trust and obey when he seeks intimate relations with you.
The church recognizes and honors the dignity of women.
She will protect you if you follow Her guidelines.
Trust in Her teachings here.
Oh, and take this time to truly explore the two children you have!
This is a wonderful, wonderful stage of life they are in and it goes by so quickly. Soak them up as much as you can, observe their personality traits, bond with them…let them feel your breath, feel the warmth of your hugs, hear your laughter, let them truly feel they are everything to you now because it’s the foundation they will have when they get older and sassier.
It seems you’re so anxious to have #3 that you are tossing aside #1 already and hardly even noticing #2. That would be a very sad thing.