For both of us, without love sex is meaningless.
The difference between men and women is that for men meaningless sex isn’t a reason not to do it. Men can have sex without meaning and it will affect them less than it does a woman.
Not all men are sex obsessed and bent on getting it even if they have to pretend to love for it.
I would say that most men are not sex obsessed and won’t pretend to love for it. Many are honorable and understand the deeper emotional issues involved in intimacy. For that reason they deny their urges and keep them within their marriage.
For my man, love is what gives the desire for sex and intimate sharing. Yes, sex is physically pleasurable, but my man enjoys teh emotional closeness much more.
I just don’t believe this. Men aren’t made this way. I’m not saying he doesn’t have emotions, but that is not the major drive in a man. For a man, sex is just as physically pleasurable without the love. The emotional closeness enhances it, but that is not what drives a man’s sexual desires.
Believe me, I love my wife. I’m have remained faithful to her 8 years of marriage and the 3 of dating before that. My world revolves around providing for her physically and emotionally. Don’t misunderstand me as saying that sex is his only motiviation for doing this. But I guarantee he does not feel the same way about sex as you do.
I realise he’s maybe not your typical male but good ones like this are out there and really do think this way. When I was feeling weak, he was the one who suggested we wait.
Truly he is an honorable man to deny the male sexual nature for future fulfillment. But a temporary denial of sexual urges does not mean he is driven as emotionally as you are or that the emotional closeness found in sex is why he wants it.
The reason I bring this up is that you mention a daughter. You would do her a grave disservice by advising her to look for a man who finds more enjoyment from emotional intimacy than satisfying his physical drives. That is how “but I love you” is so effective for men trying to get a woman into bed.
Dennis Prager has done a series on
male sexuality that explains the topic. I highly recommend it for parents who have daughters, especially if they are dating.
This isn’t a men are evil series. It just explains men as they are.