Male-Female Friendship

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Can the average young man and the average young woman, who are both relatively healthy and of whom at least one is relatively handsome or pretty, can they be strictly ‘only’ friends (close friends but not romantically involved), and this at both the behavioral level and the emotional level? (Obviously, this question is not about friendship between relatives.)

Or can the average young or older man be strictly only friends with a young, healthy, and pretty woman; and can the average young or older woman be strictly only friends with a young, healthy, and handsome man; at both the behavioral and the emotional level? (Again, friendship between relatives is not what is meant here.)

Or why would an unmarried young man (who’s also not a priest, nor a monk) and an unmarried young woman (who’s also not a nun) want to be strictly only friends (close friends) instead of seeking to date (in the ‘old-fashioned’ way, with the man openly courting the woman) and eventually marry each other?

(Annex A)

Bleske-Rechek, A. (2012): Sexual and Romantic Interests in Opposite-Sex Friendships. In M.A. Paludi’s (Ed.) The Psychology of Love (pp.35-41).

Anyone with an opposite-sex friend has probably received the following question from curious outsiders: ‘Are you two dating, or are you just friends?’ The frequency with which people pose this question to opposite-sex pairs demonstrates that ‘friendship’ is a relationship that is typically not defined as a reproductive or romantic partnership. In fact, opposite-sex friendship has been described as a voluntary, cooperative, non-romantic alliance between members of the opposite sex (Werking, 1997). Arguably, however, the most consistent finding in the short history (approximately two decades) of research on opposite-sex friendship is the existence of either one-sided attraction or mutual attraction between friends.


Someone has asked, “What does how they look like have to do with the question?”

The answer is, that harmonious facial and bodily features (that is, physical beauty) are usually (though not always) an indicator of good biological health and a (if not the most) significant factor in romantic/sexual ‘attraction’.

The young woman [Rebekah] was very attractive in appearance”. (Genesis 24: 16, E.s.v.)

It’s the pretty girls and women who are surrounded by male ‘friends’, and the handsome boys and men who are surrounded by female ‘friends’.

(Edit no.2 / Annex B)

Definitions of ‘friend’ from dictionaries.


friend: (1a) “One attached to another by affection or esteem.” (4) “A favored companion.”


friend: (1) “A person known well to another and regarded with liking, affection, and loyalty; an intimate.”

Lexico .com (Oxford):

friend: (1) “A person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically one exclusive of [romantic/]sexual or family relations [and also exclusive of sexual desire]. Synonyms: companion, intimate, confidant, comrade.”
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I have friends of the opposite sex, some of which I have known since school. We have similar interests, similar sense of humour and like each other as human beings.
I am now also friends with these guy’s wives, so I can safely say there’s no attraction there on either of our parts.
I don’t understand the attitude of there having to always be an underlying attraction between opposite sex friends. Cant two humans just enjoy each others company?
Plus I think if there is any attraction between two people (even on just one of the parties side) it becomes obvious quite quickly. That’s when you know you can’t be friends.
There are close opposite sex friends that are not romantically involved yet there is still attraction (single or double sided).
why would an unmarried young man (who’s also not a priest, nor a monk) and an unmarried young woman (who’s also not a nun) want to be strictly only friends (close friends) instead of seeking to date (in the ‘old-fashioned’ way, with the man openly courting the woman) and eventually marry each other?
Maybe they are friends but have things they seriously don’t agree on. Like their religion, or politics. Maybe one wants children and one does not. Their differences may not prevent them from staying friends, but may keep them from marrying.

There are many things that could make friends remain just friends and not marry.
I personally think that in the situations you describe there is room for misunderstanding and hurt feelings (like when one person is ‘friend zoned’ but still feels attaction for the other person).
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In the movie When Harry Met Sally, Billy Crystal’s character says that he doesn’t think that men and women can just be friends. One of them, whether they will admit it or not always wants it to be more if possible. Sometimes people are “just friends” but one is hoping and waiting for the other person to change their mind. I see it all the time in young people’s relationships.

Great movie, btw.
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Opposite sex people can be friends.


The risk of becoming romantically attracted is there.
Okay, I see your explanation in your edit, but I disagree with your premise.
I believe this was much easier in a bygone era.

Look at popular culture. Do we see good friends who do not have a romantic tension or backstory in films or TV shows?

Jesus HAD both men and women as friends. The Catechism encourages friendship:

2347 The virtue of chastity blossoms in friendship . It shows the disciple how to follow and imitate him who has chosen us as his friends, who has given himself totally to us and allows us to participate in his divine estate. Chastity is a promise of immortality.

Chastity is expressed notably in friendship with one’s neighbor . Whether it develops between persons of the same or opposite sex, friendship represents a great good for all. It leads to spiritual communion.
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I don’t know what this is trying to say, but the majority of my friends are female. I find that I relate to women better.
What does what they look like have to do with the question?
Physical beauty elevates likelihood of attraction. Is there not a single element of human nature that is beyond denial by our modernistic, overly-idealistic world?
Look at popular culture. Do we see good friends who do not have a romantic tension or backstory in films or TV shows?
That’s true. There are no deep friendships on TV anymore because in their minds, they all lead straight to romance. If they’re deep friends, they want to be lovers, even if they’re both the same gender. Sex is no longer a precious thing reserved for married people, it’s now a profane human interaction. They’re incapable of writing good deep friendship that doesn’t slip into romance because of it.
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Whatever is on TV is passed off as “popular culture”; and many who watch are not much more than sheep. However, “popular culture” is not a clearly delineated culture; it tends to be blurry as to what is “in” and not “in”. Additionally, many who do not buy into whatever is being passed of as “in” have their own cultures (plural intended).
Part of the answer to the OP may be that we use the term “friend” rather loosely; often what is meant is acquaintance who is friendly (as opposed to distant, or unfriendly). I have over the years worked with a number of women; I would call the vast majority of them acquaintances, who were friendly, and with whom I occasionally had conversations over matters other than business. They were not friends as I use the term; we did not go out to dinner or movies together, we were not in relatively constant conversation over non-business matters.
I’d say men and women can definitely be friends, but you should remain emotionally chaste. Some of my friends are women, but neither of us would ever pursue “more than friends” because of religious or ideological differences. Be intentional in your romances and be intentional in your friendships if you don’t want them to get mixed up.
I’m female and my best friend throughout high school was male. It was never romantic nor sexual…we were just really good friends. We went off to different colleges and eventually saw and talked less and less as also happened with many of my girl friends. Yes, it’s possible. That doesn’t mean it always stays that way or even that it’s common.
Of course it is perfectly possible. I am a woman and I have friends who are men where there have never been any kind of romantic feelings on either side. This is not very difficult to explain. A man does not have to feel attracted to every woman, and a woman does not have to feel attracted to every man.

It’s also worth considering the situation of people who are gay and bisexual. Gay men and lesbians commonly have a lot of friends who are also gay men and lesbians. However, they are probably not all falling romantically in love with each other all the time. If somebody is bisexual, they will not be experiencing romantic feelings toward everyone they know.

The things that determine attraction and romantic feelings are largely unknown to us. We can only hypothesize. Why is it that, despite being half black, I have always preferred white men? Is it because my father is white and my mother is black? I feel that this could be a case for Dr. Freud!
Physical beauty elevates likelihood of attraction. Is there not a single element of human nature that is beyond denial by our modernistic, overly-idealistic world?
But what do you mean by physical beauty? A lot of people probably think that Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) is an example of a very attractive man. In fact, he has been described as “the sexiest man alive”. Personally, I don’t see it. Shaun Evans is more my type. Or, since he’s 40 now, maybe Shaun Evans 15 or 20 years ago… Although, weirdly, I think Bill Nighy is incredibly attractive, and he’s 70! Personality also comes into it in a big way. Maybe the reason I think Bill Nighy is so attractive is because he always seems to play characters I like in movies.
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