Does it make sense to limit altar servers to males who just might just possibly be discerning a vocation to the priesthood or diaconate? Or perhaps at least those males who are at least potentially eligible to become priests or deacons?
Yes, the Church allows both sexes of almost any age to become altar servers. However it seems that serving at the altar is just too valuable in terms of helping to foster priestly vocations to be allowed to those who cannot possibly become priests or deacons.
Most priests and deacons today were altar servers as kids. Redemptoris Sacramentum #47 notes: “It is altogether laudable to maintain the noble custom by which boys or youths, customarily termed servers, provide service of the altar after the manner of acolytes, and receive catechesis regarding their function in accordance with their power of comprehension Nor should it be forgotten that a great number of sacred ministers over the course of the centuries have come from among boys such as these.”
Many people suggest that if such limits were introduced, that they wouldn’t have enough altar servers. Unless they are speaking of chapels in convents or female prisons, I’m not entirely sure that’s correct. More likely than not they simply need to place more focus on their altar server programs.
Yes, the Church allows both sexes of almost any age to become altar servers. However it seems that serving at the altar is just too valuable in terms of helping to foster priestly vocations to be allowed to those who cannot possibly become priests or deacons.
Most priests and deacons today were altar servers as kids. Redemptoris Sacramentum #47 notes: “It is altogether laudable to maintain the noble custom by which boys or youths, customarily termed servers, provide service of the altar after the manner of acolytes, and receive catechesis regarding their function in accordance with their power of comprehension Nor should it be forgotten that a great number of sacred ministers over the course of the centuries have come from among boys such as these.”
Many people suggest that if such limits were introduced, that they wouldn’t have enough altar servers. Unless they are speaking of chapels in convents or female prisons, I’m not entirely sure that’s correct. More likely than not they simply need to place more focus on their altar server programs.