How practical is it. Is there a large scale working model of anarchism?
I suppose those who swallow news propaganda without thinking about it do.Generally people think of anarchy as a lack of government or order, chaos and not its opposite.
Thankyou! I picked up the idea from a Fr Longenecker blog post where he described how women’s ordination was pushed through the Anglican church, over the course of forty years, by: posing as “victims” and demanding “dialogue”; getting incremental changes (female deacons, female’s studying for the priesthood, etc… ); but never engaging in genuine debate or respecting their opponents, who they quickly shut down after each advance was made.The observation about the parties shifting further to the Left every time they “listen” or “compromise” is very thought-provoking and seems to be accurate to me.
I’ve seen it over and over, in this country and amongst my own closest friends and relatives, even in the Church.Progressives are crybaby bullies. They have learned how to pout and play the victim. Once they have got sympathy they resort to name calling. Their enemies are “cruel” and “insensitive”, “harsh and legalistic”.
Then they call for dialogue which means, “I am going to lecture you, hector you, bully you and exhaust you with my endless arguments and threats until you give in.”
Great point that progressives are mostly people with time on their hands to protest and apply pressure, while the rest of us are too busy sustaining our own lives and families. Their “engine room” is the universities which have been taken over by the left and from where tenured academics churn out fake studies portraying how terrible the west is, and from where they also churn out students indoctrinated in their ideas. These are many of the people with time to go about protesting. In Australia the worst of the MSM is the government funded ABC broadcaster who free of any constraint to not offend middle Australia, ie. the very people who are paying their wages and who keep the country going.MY POINT–I don’t have time or energy to attend rallies, marches, demonstrations, protests, etc. and listen to/read slogans and mantras that have no more substance than a marshmallow Peep, and are just as bad for us in large quantities!
They need to stop all this show stuff and start working through the established government channels–
–contact their representatives especially at the local level (in our city, that’s our city council)
–continue the above until results are achieved, even if it takes years
Bravo!The new American right is solidly nationalist,
Just google Anarchist schools of thought then. It’s not @RuthAnne’s fault that you’re ignorant of a philosophy.
Anarchy as a general term unallied to any particular brand of thought means without government or without order. Ten 4-year-olds left by themselves in a room create anarchy within minutes.I suppose those who swallow news propaganda without thinking about it do.
To suggest that it is simply the “swallowing of news propaganda” which renders people unknowledgeable of an obscure topic is, at best, causing you to have an unrealistic view of how to approach those outside your little bubble.I suppose those who swallow news propaganda without thinking about it do.
That certainly is not what I said. Racism and Tribalism has been with us since before anyone could write, and it will be with us until the Second Coming for a very simple reason: it is (along with a long category of other matters) a sin, and the sin of racism (and tribalism) will not go away any more than the sin of murder, or sexual abuse, or any other serious sin.This view believes that racism is largely a thing of the past,
My experience is that the White population doe not hold such; some segments do, and that is often founded not on the special attention so much as the disparities they see within the minority, in particular, the black minority. And those disparities are exemplified when a Black - male or female - succeeds and is accorded the epithet of Uncle Tom - or worse if they do not hew the Democratic line. There is also the issue - and I heard it articulated several times in the past several weeks, that only whites are racist. That is pure, unadulterated and absolute fiction.the White population is also indignant in that they believe themselves to have been excluded from the special attention being given to minority groups.
Having watched these charges, it is my observation that "microaggression " is a charge wildly placed on anything the individual doesn’t like; it is right up there with the phrase “hate speech”. We have a group, generally under 40, who have been mollycoddled since they were in grade school, if not before, and never taught to think critically, or even to think rationally - their response is emotional, and results in using language of dismissal based on emotionally laden terms which have no basis in the reality of the exchange. To wit: if someone is being lazy, that is “racist”.I am opposed to those whose mindset perceives racist intentions in every possible encounter including covert racism which goes under the heading today of microaggressions.
It is no more my duty to miscommunicate the meaning of anarchy than it is for you to just get it right.If Ruth Anne wants to be able to communicate with the general public, she must learn to define her terms so that others can understand her.
I’m not a pacifist. I believe in using violence to repel violence.If Ruth Anne wants to call herself a pacifist anarchist to differentiate herself, her communication will be clearer.
Thanks, but I am very familiar with this latest “statistic” from the progressive left in Australia, which has been given a hammering in their protests and MSM coverage, especially the government funded ABC and SBS.Edmundus1581:
Really? What would police officers be doing in a jail anyway? There have been hundreds of deaths of indigenous people in custody in Australia.but no aboriginal has been killed in jail by a police officer since 1991
'Deaths in our backyard': 432 Indigenous Australians have died in custody since 1991 | Deaths in custody | The Guardian
* My first post had “killed by a police officer in jail”. It should have read “murdered by a police officer or prison warden”, but it was just a few words added shortly before I completed my longish post, in braces with a “BTW”. It is substantially correct, after being challenged and revised.[The] Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, handed down in 1991, dealt with sentence prisoners as well as people on remand, under arrest and in the process of being arrested.
‘Normal police force’! Prisoners have a right to be protected form suicide and assault by other inmates. Failure to do so is criminal. The disproportionate number of aboriginal victims should be a matter of shame for all Australians. No one should die in custody for want of medical treatment. And no one would die as a result of the use of force, by anyone.The deaths have all been by natural causes, suicide, violence between prisoners, or normal police force which is sometimes necessary in police operations, regardless of race.
And what should I, as an Australian, be ashamed of? For not doing enough for aboriginals? For doing too much? For not intervening in their (admitted) disadvantage, or for intervening too much? (Australian aboriginals are the recipients of very generous financial and other advantage throughout their lives). For the police treating them harshly, or for the police treating them more leniently than other races (leading to further problems)?.. etc… etc…The disproportionate number of aboriginal victims should be a matter of shame for all Australians.