OP, I think you must ask yourself what it means to be Catholic? While the tone of some of the responses was more technical and clinical, I think they are simply explaining the truth of the matter.
I simply want to say God bless you for just considering being married in the Church, and wanting to explore the meaning of your Catholicism at this point. However, as the rest of the posters have noted, the Church is clear about Her teaching on marriage. Society has reduced marriage to a “feeling” two people have about each other. Feelings are only a part of the decision to get married in the Church. Its about a relationship two people have with each other AND with God. At the very least a sacramental marriage involves three people. And if there are children then even more. But your questions demonstrate a very “cultural” understanding of Catholicism and nothing of your own relationship with Him.
This is not meant to be criticism. It is simply meant to understand the point of view of the posters responding to you. Your questions demonstrate a lack of understanding of the underlying Gospel message of marriage and family. Instead your approach is one of technical formalities and procedures.
If you are truly serious about the sacraments whether marriage is in your future, then you have to start with prayer to ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and then go straight to see a priest or other spiritual director. God creates us with a specific gender. Only in very very rare cases as the poster noted is there an actual genetic confusion. For whatever ever reason some people feel attracted to the opposite sex and others feel like they are the opposite sex. God did not create that. Science isnt sure how it happens but the Church is clear in teaching that we are born either a men or women, not homosexual, bisexual or transgender. A relationship with Christ may not alter your “feelings” but He will help you live out the life He intended for you with peace and joy! Seek Him before you seek anything else. You can start that right now with a prayer, and then by visiting your priest, going to confession and returning to the sacraments.
I pray this is what you do and that you find peace in who you are! God bless you for coming here!
I simply want to say God bless you for just considering being married in the Church, and wanting to explore the meaning of your Catholicism at this point. However, as the rest of the posters have noted, the Church is clear about Her teaching on marriage. Society has reduced marriage to a “feeling” two people have about each other. Feelings are only a part of the decision to get married in the Church. Its about a relationship two people have with each other AND with God. At the very least a sacramental marriage involves three people. And if there are children then even more. But your questions demonstrate a very “cultural” understanding of Catholicism and nothing of your own relationship with Him.
This is not meant to be criticism. It is simply meant to understand the point of view of the posters responding to you. Your questions demonstrate a lack of understanding of the underlying Gospel message of marriage and family. Instead your approach is one of technical formalities and procedures.
If you are truly serious about the sacraments whether marriage is in your future, then you have to start with prayer to ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and then go straight to see a priest or other spiritual director. God creates us with a specific gender. Only in very very rare cases as the poster noted is there an actual genetic confusion. For whatever ever reason some people feel attracted to the opposite sex and others feel like they are the opposite sex. God did not create that. Science isnt sure how it happens but the Church is clear in teaching that we are born either a men or women, not homosexual, bisexual or transgender. A relationship with Christ may not alter your “feelings” but He will help you live out the life He intended for you with peace and joy! Seek Him before you seek anything else. You can start that right now with a prayer, and then by visiting your priest, going to confession and returning to the sacraments.
I pray this is what you do and that you find peace in who you are! God bless you for coming here!