That’s too bad, since I am Catholic, and my Church, the Byzantine Catholic Metropolia of Pittsburgh, is in communion with Rome. My church has a tradition of married priests, and by calling married priests bigamists, you insult a valid tradition of my Church–a Church in communion with the Roman Catholic Church.
Just because I am make some off-handed remark about something that is common knowledge does not give you the right to project my words onto your church. “In communion” does not mean “IS”.
But here you go, from other sources:
This first one is an interesting commentary from the wife’s perspective.
“Underlying all the problems is the reality that a priest is married to the parish first and to his wife second.”
This one touches on how very different the rites are,
"Finally, concerning married Episcopalian clergy becoming Catholic priests, “the Holy See has specified that this exception to the rule of celibacy is granted in favor of these individual persons, and should not be understood as implying any change in the Church’s conviction of the value of priestly celibacy, which will remain the rule for future candidates for the priesthood from this group.”
In other words, an ordained Episcopalian minister would make a profession of Faith and be received into the Catholic Church, and thereupon receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. He would then take appropriate courses which would enable him to minister as a Catholic priest."
We have to drag wiki in this right?
Celibacy is represented in the Catholic Church as having apostolic authority. Theologically, the Church desires to imitate the life of Jesus with regard to chastity and the sacrifice of married life for the “sake of the Kingdom” (Luke 18:28–30, Matthew 19:27–30; Mark 10:20–21), and to follow the example of Jesus Christ in being “married” to the Church, viewed by Catholicism and many Christian traditions as the “Bride of Christ”.
Here is a Marionite priest talking about the reality of his vocation.
“The important thing to remember about celibacy in Roman Church is that it is a covenantal relationship between the individual priest and the church itself,” Witt said. “The priest is standing in for Christ – the ‘alter Christus’ – and he stands in for Christ not only when he is performing the sacraments, but in a much broader sense than that. We are really married to the church in a unique kind of way.”
And for the OP
Here’s an article where the Pope talks about discerning between marriage and priesthood.
Peace, brothers, I mean you no harm.