I am in RCIA and enjoying the process of conversion from another Christian faith. There are about 10 people in my class, two of whom are men who introduced themselves as “roommates.” One is Catholic already and is going through RCIA to bolster his knowledge of the faith. The other is Baptist. They attend Sunday mass regularly and hug during the sign of peace. So far so good, and I gave them the benefit of the doubt.
However, at last week’s class and at Sunday mass they both wore wedding rings (they had not done so before, are still roommates, and still sit together at mass – no wives to be seen). They are apparently “married” to each other now. It has become the pink elephant in the room, as no one has ever brought it up in class. Although we did address homosexuality in class, our RCIA leader had us read passages from the text we are using, without discussing it.
I know Christ does not want us to judge others, but by the same token we should not allow scandal to attack the faith of others. I have heard stories of rainbow ribbons being worn by gays in some parishes who want to make a point of going forward to receive communion while saying to the world that they are gay, daring the priest to deny them. Would being “married” and wearing a wedding ring be the same thing? Should that affect their completion of RCIA?
I don’t really know how to approach this, though I have been praying for them. We are all sinners and I am truly glad that they (as I) have decided to become Catholic. But is RICA a two-way street in that either the catechumen or the Church can determine that a candidate is not ready to join the Church?
Finally, from a somewhat selfish standpoint, I worry about them detracting from the baptism and confirmation ceremony. I don’t know how many others in the parish know about their state of affairs, but I can already hear the whispers on what should be a special day for all of us (and of course for God).
Thanks for any thoughts others may have on this sensitive issue.
However, at last week’s class and at Sunday mass they both wore wedding rings (they had not done so before, are still roommates, and still sit together at mass – no wives to be seen). They are apparently “married” to each other now. It has become the pink elephant in the room, as no one has ever brought it up in class. Although we did address homosexuality in class, our RCIA leader had us read passages from the text we are using, without discussing it.
I know Christ does not want us to judge others, but by the same token we should not allow scandal to attack the faith of others. I have heard stories of rainbow ribbons being worn by gays in some parishes who want to make a point of going forward to receive communion while saying to the world that they are gay, daring the priest to deny them. Would being “married” and wearing a wedding ring be the same thing? Should that affect their completion of RCIA?
I don’t really know how to approach this, though I have been praying for them. We are all sinners and I am truly glad that they (as I) have decided to become Catholic. But is RICA a two-way street in that either the catechumen or the Church can determine that a candidate is not ready to join the Church?
Finally, from a somewhat selfish standpoint, I worry about them detracting from the baptism and confirmation ceremony. I don’t know how many others in the parish know about their state of affairs, but I can already hear the whispers on what should be a special day for all of us (and of course for God).
Thanks for any thoughts others may have on this sensitive issue.