Has your husband been in school for the past 10 years? Wow!About the health benefits–you can also check with your university. Many schools are now offering health care for students, that will cover the entire family. You still have to find a way to afford it, but it’s usually cheaper than getting individual insurance.
My husband and I got married during college. Quite literally; it was in the middle of a semester, we got married on a saturday, and were back in class on tuesday. I would highly recommend that others avoid that. The adjustments that you make to being newly wed, and living with someone for the first time, are not necessarily condusive to the best study habits. We both bombed that semester as we learned how to be with each other. Your milage might vary–it’s something to be aware of, though.
There’s another downside to getting married during the semester that I didn’t know of at the time. My husband is in grad school now, and last week I literally spent my 10 year anniversary at home alone while he was at night class. He wants to be a professor–we’re not going to be able to have a real honeymoon/vacation on our anniversary until he’s retired. If we knew then what we know now, we would have waited to get married (at least until Christmas break!).