Huiou Theou:
Forgive me if this was already covered in the thread.
Admitedly I am jumping in to the end of this thread, but I had understood that BOTH Mary and Joseph were of the line of David. Mary through Nathan and Joseph through Solomon. So Jesus’s claim to the throne is through Mary.EXACTLY the point. IF Joseph DID have a son by Mary, that son would have the throne.
Jesus was not Joseph’s son by sexual intercourse – he was not literally Davids Son.
Jesus had only an adoptive (stepson) claim on the throne of David.
Remember Isaac and Ishmael?
Ishmael was a half-son of the marriage, because he was not son of Sarah.
Ishmael lost, because Abraham had a son by his true-wife.
Isaac was the son of BOTH Abraham and Sarah.
Just so, If there was a son by Mary and Joseph, this son would a greater claim on the throne. Especially since the throne was inherited from Joseph.
I don’t think Joseph would have risked God’s anger.
Forgive me if this was already covered in the thread.