From the age of three Mary was devoted to taking care of the temple with a few other holy girls. When she became a teenager the temple Priests , as was the custom then, brought in several rather elderly men and one was chosen to care for Mary. It was Joseph, he was elderly and had sons and daughters from his first wife who had died. We don’t read about Joseph when Jesus was an adult, why?, Joseph had died…he was much older than Mary.
What did Mary tell the Angel who came to announce that Mary was to have a son? May said “:How can I, I am a virgin?” Mary knew she was a Virgin and always would be a Virgin. How else would she have answered the Angel in such a direct voice.
Most Protestants claim that Mary bore children other than Jesus. To support their claim, these Protestants refer to the biblical passages which mention the “brethren of the Lord.” As explained in the Catholic Answers tract
Brethren of the Lord, neither the Gospel accounts nor the early Christians attest to the notion that Mary bore other children besides Jesus. The faithful knew, through the witness of Scripture and Tradition, that Jesus was Mary’s only child and that she remained a lifelong virgin.
Someone asked about Matt1:24-25. To lift that passage out of the Bible and to transliterate into modern English is to ignore everything written before and after those two verses were written. To lift them out of the Bible as if this was the only thing known about Mary is meaningless. If I lifted, ”Jesus wept” from the Bible and nothing after or before then one would conclude that the only thing Jesus did was to weep! Ludicrous! It was a Jewish custom for young girls to have the duty of keeping the Temple in order and clean. As a child Mary was one of those girls. Ann, her mother was told that Mary had a very special duty in life. Also it was common for elderly men to be the keeper of these Temple girls, to give them shelter and food. Before Mary ever saw Joseph she knew her life would be special. Joseph was chosen from several old men one day. They were doing their duty. It is said that a dove flew to Joseph’s head and he was picked, this isn’t Biblical, it is extra-Biblical. It was understood by Joseph that he and Mary would live as brother and sister. The Jewish Priests condoned that. One may say that is unusual, but to be the mother of Jesus is infinitely more unusual!
*Why when Jesus was on the cross did he say, ”Mother, behold your son”? It was Jewish custom for the son’s of a mother to take care of her. She had no other sons. So Jesus gave John the task of caring for Mary. See John XIX:26 – 27. Yes, Jesus said to John, “Son behold your Mother”.
An important historical document which supports the teaching of Mary’s perpetual virginity is the
Protoevangelium of James, which was written probably less than sixty years after the conclusion of Mary’s earthly life (around A.D. 120), when memories of her life were still vivid in the minds of many.