
Nice sharing thoughts with you, Axion. I applaud your faith and conviction in what you have presented here and truely value your (name removed by moderator)ut.…(snip)…
What I was objecting to was not the idea that an interpretation that the Woman can be seen as the Church exists, but to the dogmatic statement in your bible note that the Woman is **not ** Mary!
In fact many more important voices have said she is…
Paul VI, Signum Magnum, May 13, 1967 AAS 59: “The great sign which the Apostle John saw in heaven, ‘a woman clothed with the sun’ is interpreted by the sacred liturgy, not without foundation, as referring to the most Blessed Mary, the Mother of all men by the grace of Christ the Redeemer.”
John Paul II, Redemptoris Mater, March 15, 1987. “… she who was the one ‘full of grace’ was brought into the mystery of Christ in order to be his Mother and thus the Holy Mother of God, through the Church remains in that mystery as ‘the woman’ spoken of by the Book of Genesis (3:15) at the beginning and by the Apocalypse (12:1) at the end of the history of salvation.”
St. Pius X, Ad diem illum. *** 36. 458 - 59: “No one of us does not know that that woman signifies the Virgin Mary, who brought forth our Head with her virginity intact. But the Apostle continues: 'And being with child, she cried out, laboring in birth, and was in pain to be delivered. ’ Therefore John saw the Most Holy Mother of God already enjoying eternal happiness, and yet laboring from some hidden birth. With what birth? Surely ours, we who, being yet detained in exile, are still to be brought forth to the perfect love of God and eternal happiness.”
Pius XII, Munificentissimus Deus. : “…the Scholastic doctors have considered the Assumption of the Virgin Mother of God as signified not only in the various figures of the Old Testament, but also in that woman clothed with the sun, whom the Apostle John contemplated on the island of Patmos.”
May God continue to bless and guide you.