"Masks = handicapped parking spaces"

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Ours aren’t…my husband bought a box in US long ago to use for his handcraft .If you want, I can look for the brand, Peeps…We have been wearing these ones since March.No complaints really.
And then I have a thought but I don’t know if I’m saying nonsense: would hand washing yours once gently with some Softener help with yours or would that hinder their efficacy?
Thanks for the suggestions, but I’ll probably stick with wearing the silky-feeling masks that we ordered from United States Figure Skating. I wear them below the nose. I’ve tried so many times to wear them above the nose, but simply cannot breathe. I’m sure it’s psychological as much as anything. I also cannot abide anything around my neck, and all my shirts, dresses, t-shirts, etc. either are v-necks, or are stretched completely out of shape by my pulling on them.

This type of clothing discomfort and squirming and ripping at tight clothing is one of my earliest childhood memories, along with constant skin sensivity to soaps and lotions!–my parents tried everything, and eventually, believe it or not, found that Zest soap–a somewhat harsh deodorant soap!–was a soap that I could tolerate without coming out of the bathtub itching and covered with a rash! I still use it, and I don’t use anything else.

I don’t wear necklaces–for one brief year in high school, I was able to tolerate them, but then they started irritating me again, and I haven’t worn one in decades. I remember going to a parish retreat where we were given name tags on a lanyard–I ended up taking mine off and eventually finding a safety pin to put it on my shirt. Same thing happens at ice skating competitions–I hate those lanyards, but at least I am usually wearing a coat in the cold rink, so the lanyard doesn’t touch my skin.

This post is making me shudder! Enough!

Oh, well. Hopefully the mask thing will be gone someday.
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I wear them below the nose. I’ve tried so many times to wear them above the nose, but simply cannot breathe
I would find it incredibly difficult to remember to never, ever breathe through my nose!
I would find it incredibly difficult to remember to never, ever breathe through my nose!
?? I don’t understand what you are saying.

I breathe through my nose.

The “science” says that it’s “talkspit” (or “singingspit”) that could possibly project the virus to others. I have heard nothing to suggest that nasal vapor (which is never shown on any of the “videos”) could be infectious.

Not one person at the hospital where I work has told me to pull the mask above my nose, probably because they understand that the science dictating mask-wearing does not indicate the possibility of infeciton through nose exhalation.

IF the “science” states that exhaling through the nose could cause others to be infected, I have already told my husband and my work supervisor that I would have to quit my job. So this isn’t just a “super trumper fanatic” talking here. I think I would have to be sedated to cover my nose–and that means I wouldn’t be able to work in a hospital lab. I wish it were otherwise–I’ve tried so hard to be like other people and wear that mask over my nose, but honestly–four breaths and I am gasping and pulling the mask down. It’s NOT a question of mind over matter.
I would find it incredibly difficult to remember to never, ever breathe through my nose!
I’m in the middle of my allergy season and it seems doubly bad this year…I’d give anything to be able to breathe through my nose for even a few hours! 😂😂😂

My husband is extremely sensitive to anything rubbing against his neck but the ear loops work well so he’s wearing those. I can understand having to work all day with a mask over ones nose but when I see people wearing it under their nose for the five minutes they are in a quick stop store, I’m kind of…Really? For five minutes! Yes, we are stubborn mules. Perhaps if more people realized that it’s their own wives and children being helped?

And, I’m sorry, but the President needs to set the example. How many won’t wear a mask because Trump doesn’t?
Whether or not to wear them is his moral decision. To say that they’re “saving lives” and shame others around you over it is overkill. I can only post what’s out there and have no way in whether you accept or reject it. I just think that any mean-spirited moral outrage and social shaming is overkill in light of everything we don’t know.
Feel free to show me mistaken.
Concealed carry permits are the purview of state law.
And the fact check you cited stated there was no federal law.
That alone sends up red flags.

However, perhaps you should look at the concealed carry laws. Specifically look at the requirements that one’s face not be obscured while exercising the concealed carry.
Don’t tell me you skate and do figures and such on ice?! You are my idol.

As far as the skin sensitivity I can understand. Though not as extreme as yours , I cannot wear watches because even the little pieces hurt and bring itching. And when the babies were born, I started having skin cuts in my hands only to discover it was the glycerine soap of all…that caused them.
It may sound snobbish but it is true: silver and gold don’t hurt my skin. So I can wear those if I want( I don’t but eventually a couple of cherished rings and a necklace with a cross or a medal, though not everyday)
So I understand and I’m glad you find at least a type of mask that gets you covered.
I am considering a shield as well but I don’t know if it works that much

And oh how fantastic you are a skater!:clap:t2:
Thank you for sharing with us, Peeps.
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I can only post what’s out there

I am glad then I quoted what your last link actually said.
First, thank you very much. I searched my state’s penal code and found nothing, so I always appreciate the effort involve in finding information. What you said is true.

From the statute:
Carries or possesses in a vehicle or on or about
his or her person any pistol, revolver, stun gun or taser or firearm or ballistic knife, when he or she is hooded, robed or masked in such manner as to conceal his or her identity; or
So, if one lived in Illinois, or any state that mentions masks, though I would argue that the qualifier “in such a way as to conceal his or her identity” is a consideration, and there was a mandatory masking law.
  1. Wear a mask and not carry a weapon
  2. Carry a weapon, but do not enter a public space where masks are required
  3. Carry a weapon and wear a mask
I do not like to ever rely on firearms myself, but I understand why some need to. I think if I was like that I would simply rely on number three, and the fact that out of 300 million Americans no one has yet been arrested for following mandatory masking laws. On the other hand, I guess holing up at home has its points.
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I think if I was like that I would simply rely on number three, and the fact that out of 300 million Americans no one has yet been arrested for following mandatory masking laws.
I believe it was North Carolina that did it right.
The same executive order that mandated masks also made several changes to the appropriate laws to allow masks to be worn while carrying.

It is nice to see when something is done right.
Unfortunately it highlights the other states that did it wrong.
Well, Texas Governor Abbott just pulled the trigger on mandatory masks pretty much everywhere. He is exempting counties with fewer that 20 cases, outdoor exercise, sitting at a restaurant while eating (though bars are closed). It is a better solution than shutting down more businesses.

FYI - I have been out to eat at one of these restaurants with reduced seating. It is a weird feeling to be sure, as there is so much more space between tables and a lot less noise.
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To park in handicap here you need a placard or handicap plates. If wearing a mask makes a breathing problem worse then you see your doctor for this
Wearing a mask is a sign of respect. You respect others and you do not wish to make them ill. Wearing a mask is a polite courtesy and not a large sacrifice. Surgeons wear masks throughout their surgeries which can last hours, so if they can do it, so can we.
I would like to know one reason, that does not involve personal convenience, why a Christian would refuse to wear a mask. Yes, I know if someone is posting here under 2 years old, or is on oxygen, or is unconscious.
Unfortunately, there is such a subset. They hold up signs saying “Jesus is my vaccine.” (You may want to do a search on the phrase.) In other words, Prosperity Gospel.

Look, righteous living can reduce our exposure to some woes, but not to all of them. Consider how many people who never drank are killed by drunk drivers.

[See also: “Job was guilty” and “Hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, and fires only hit sinners.” Ew.]
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