Masonic 33rd Degree Ritual

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Does the Anglican Church warn against free masons.
There are a ton of questions here.
Yes, as a matter of fact the Church of England looked much more closely at Masonic ritual and its implications than the Vatican does in its condemnations. For example, it identified both pelagian and gnostic ideas.
the cornerstone of your argument,
What “argument?” This is a post which makes a simple request, that if any ex 33 degree freemason reads this, could he confirm for me the correct text of the 33 degree ritual. That is all.
OP im sorry but i do not have any information that may be helpful to your cause. I will however say i do not understand the opposition displayed in this thread to keep you from trying. I hope you do become better armed to defend and explain our faith to all including the Freemasons. I wish i could help.

Sometimes I wonder if Catholics are suspicious of Free Masons because the rituals are private and secret, founded by Protestants, and therefore can’t be trusted, and by extension are demonic.
Your demand for my personal data is irrelevant to the topic and inappropriate. There is no reason why, if you cannot take my word for my assertion, you would take my word if I answered this question either.
I work with a guy who’s a big time Freemason.

Got the whole compass thing on his desk. Oddball Masonic sayings framed up in his little office as well. He’s 100000% into the Masonic life. From what I know he does a good bit of charity and things. But deep down his presence always makes me really, really uneasy. I once showed him my Rosary and he had a look of revulsion to his face as he examined it. He’s just really sketchy.
Im very happy to have my credentials checked by forum admin. How do I do that?

Now, perhaps you would like to explain why this should be important in a post which is simply a request for info?
freemasonry’s own claim that it does not impinge on the religious beliefs of its members.
How about the spirits they invoke? People play dangerous games. Of course the Enemy plays wise and nice when He’s hunting and the advises he gives them about science sound great but are they.
About Freemasons it is from former members that we know much about them, and one thing I read is that the image on a certain demon (won’t say his name, just he is the demon of lust and Hendrix had a guitar with his name) has been created for new adepts of Freemasonry who weren’t skilled enough to see the demon themselves. There are old litographies depicting adepts bowing to the invented image of that demon. Now that is not acceptable for any man, created in the image of God, to bow in front of a demon who now naturally adverse to humanity.
After this of course they must be losing their sense of the compromises they make as they get promoted (by who?) along their path. Probably their deep loyalty to one another is a natural instinct that arises in people when they call in such dangerous spirits (or the spirits call them…who can tell).
Freemasons as well as other worshippers of the Enemy (who of course don’t think they worship Him because they have lost discernment) are probably completely deluded by the time they advance in their craft so they think they are being honest when they claim they do not use force on anyone, but the truth may be they just don’t realize that they are using force for their purposes.
There are many people on the net, mostly men, who say they left the organization and that was that. Because of course God wants all His children redeemed and He helps any soul strong enough to still want to be saved.
All they have to do is ask (for help) and then take (that help) .
I don’t see how this helps the OP accomplish his goal.
Thank you. No it doesn’t help me at all.

But I am willing to comment because it isn’t easy for people who have never been inside freemasonry to grasp the nature of the problem.

When you become a mason you join a lodge which has only three degrees. The religious qualification is that you must believe in a “supreme being” so atheists need not apply.

Basically all masonic ritual consists of initiating a new mason or introducing a mason to the next degree up. So once you hit the third degree there’s nothing to do except watch, unless you are an officer of the lodge actually doing these initiations.

So some (but by no means all - certainly a minority) then join another lodge (actually called a chapter, but it’s the same thing) where they do degrees 4-18. Here the religious requirement is that you must be both a Christian and. Trinitarian. Sounds encouraging!

Each degree has a fancy name… the 18th degree entitles you to call yourself a “Prince Rose-Croix of Heredom”. This kind of chapter is therefore often called a Rose-Croix Chapter, and if that reminds you of the word “rosicrucian” that’s not a coincidence, because the ritual is closely linked to rosicrucian ideas. Most ordinary christians who reach this point ignore the doubtful implications or dismiss it as harmless fun.

At this point I left freemasonry because I could already see that the requirement to believe in a supreme being is actually a way of asserting that all religions are equal which is tantamount to saying there is no god. I could also see that the requirement to be a Christian and a Trinitarian is a way of capturing and perverting Christians.

So, what happens in degrees 19 to 33? Up to degree 29 I have seen reliable ritual books which show that it’s just more elaboration of ever more weird ideas. But somewhere in degrees 30-33 the candidates are, so it is claimed, invited to stab an effigy of the pope and shout “down with imposture!” It is this ritual whose details I want confirmed by a reliable source.

So: do they invoke evil spirits? Not that I have seen. Do evil spirits gather round? I can easily believe it.
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the image on a certain demon
There are no demonic images in lodges which do the first 3 degrees, nor in chapters which do degrees 4-18. 90 percent of masons never go beyond that.

I can’t say if there are any such images in higher chapters, as I didn’t go further than that. But it is certainly possible.
If anyone thinks this is wrong please explain why.
I don’t think it’s wrong, I just think there are better things to do with your time. Like I mentioned, very, very very few people care about the Masons these days. You aren’t going to accomplish much. You are obviously very intelligent-why not dedicate your research to another topic?
. You aren’t going to accomplish much. You are obviously very intelligent-why not dedicate your research to another topic?
That of course depends on how you measure “much”. If I could persuade the circle of friends who became masons when I did - all Oxford university graduates, all churchgoers, some of them now quite senior masons - I feel I would have done something good for them and possibly others.
Hey, if you are happy with it, knock yourself out. It’s not my time and you aren’t doing anything immoral. So go for it.

But if you are that good at persuasion (and I’m sure you are) could you start talking to some pro-choicers?
could you start talking to some pro-choicers?
Funny you should say that but Im also translating into English a wonderful manuscript by a Spanish pro-life campaigner. It’s an account of her experience picketing an abortion clinic in Badajoz, Spain. She saved a life every month on average for 20 years. She organised homes for mothers who were being pressured into abortion, she got aid packages for those who thought they couldn’t afford their baby etc. some of the children she saved are now grown up and helping her.

When that’s done I will be looking for a publisher.

So it’s not either-or…
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Having attempted to have a conversation with you and try to understand why you believe showing heresies to freemasons will encourage them to leave, and having had posts flagged and removed , I am out of this thread.

I was asking what academic training you have had and what heresies are shared between the two religions, Catholicism and High Anglicans. It is a genuine question. .

I still maintain your best tact, given these are people you say will react to heresy exposed, is to point out that freemason edict (or whatever you would like to call it), of worshipping any god. Surely that would be enough.
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