You seem to make a connection between the NO and liturgical abuse. While litugical abuse has obviously been closely interwined with the NO, do you blame the NO itself for the abuses? I think that the abuses are more a product of modernism than the NO.
The NO is a valid Mass, and I would say it has a certain beautiful simplicity when said correctly. It is the only Mass I have ever attended and I love it because the Eucharist is consecrated within it.
However, the new Mass has been used as a vehicle by certain church “progressives” to make the Mass a “work of the people” or a “reflection of the community”. The Mass was introduced so poorly, and was left so open to interpretation, that the modern version barely reflects, in many cases, what was intended by Vatican II. The philosophy that says “let’s make this about us” has taken hold of the new Mass in most places.
Applause and laughter frequently break out during the homily at the liberal parish I’m attending during the summer. Human achievements are given the centre of attention at an event which is supposed to be about our communion with God. There’s an attitude which simply doesn’t respect the awesome gift which is the Eucharist and the Mass. It’s an attitude which is completely, and refreshingly, absent at the Traditional Latin Mass.
It seems to me that you think the TLM displays Truth more so than the NO. Why? God is still present in the Eucharist, and the NO was instituted by Christ’s Church. Also, at first the liturgy was in Greek, and even now there are around 22 Eastern rites. Do you think the TLM is superior to these and the NO?
The Traditional Latin Liturgies and Sacraments do display more truth!! Look at an example which was recently brought to light by the Motu Proprio - the prayer for the conversion of Jews:
Old Good Friday Liturgy:
“Let us pray also for the Jews that the Lord our God may take the veil from their hearts and that they also may acknowledge our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us pray: Almighty and everlasting God, you do not refuse your mercy even to the Jews; hear the prayers which we offer for the blindness of that people so that they may acknowledge the light of your truth, which is Christ, and be delivered from their darkness.”
New Good Friday Liturgy:
“Let us pray for the Jewish people, the first to hear the word of God, that they may continue to grow in the love of his name and in faithfulness to his covenant. Almighty and eternal God, long ago you gave your promise to Abraham and his posterity. Listen to your church as we pray that the people you first made your own may arrive at the fullness of redemption.”
The new prayer
obviously tries to gloss over the Catholic faith. It tries to pretend that Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Sallus is no longer a Catholic doctrine! The New Mass is valid and can even be beautiful, but it lacks a certain honestly which the TLM has. Even in the words of the consecration, the new “for all” is used, instead of the honest (and biblical) “for many”.
I have a deep respect for the Eastern Catholic liturgies. For the most part, they have held true to their traditions. I wouldn’t personally attend an eastern church, though.