Try to climb into their shoes. Try to remember that many of them haven’t heard an “organ” except in old 1960s rock music.
Many of them have NEVER seen vestments or even a clerical collar.
Many of them have NEVER EVER heard the Nicene Creed.
Many of them have NEVER, EVER heard a prayer READ OUT OF A BOOK, other than the Lord’s Prayer.
Many of them have never seen a missal or even a church bulletin (many modern non-Catholic churches have stopped using bulletins).
I don’t think the lack of or inclusion of an organ, a bulletin, or vestments alone is what brings people to the Holy Mother Church.
Try to remember that many of them haven’t even seen a “Communion service” but once a year, and often that is extremely informal (juice and crackers on a table at the back of the multi-purpose room which serves as a sanctuary, fellowship hall, and gymnasium).
If the true meaning of the Mass is not preached and reverence shown for the actural “BODY AND BLOOD” of Christ is not emphasizes then the understanding of the Mass is not there.
**As I said in my OP, when a non-Catholic Christian from one of these “new” non-Catholic sects comes to a Mass–a “modern” Mass, or NO Mass–the whole thing is extremely formal and reverent to them. **
so there is a need to water down the teachings and traditions to make the teaching and traditions easier to swallow like bad tasting medicine?)
When some of you say that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is being “protestantized” and you cite examples like use of “folk” music–I just want to laugh! With all due respect, I don’t think you know what you’re talking about!
(been there done that, not proud of my time away from the Church. But, I have been there)
**Folk music hasn’t been used in most non-Catholic ecclesial communities since the 1970s!!! **Nowadays, many of these non-Catholic churches use full ROCK BANDS! Or symphony ORCHESTRAS–I’m not kidding!
Folk music is just a term. But, it was used in the early days of the change from the TLM to the NO.
Or in most churches, “soundtracks” are used instead of live music.
Music like Marty Haugen writes would be considered ANCIENT OLDIE GEEZER STUFF in most of the Protestant churches that I attended!!! I hear Catholics talk about “new” music, and I keep wondering what they are talking about!
Again I ask because the non-Catholics have gone so far from tradition. Does the Catholic Church have to slide in the same direction?
When I first started attending Mass and heard Marty Haugen music, do you know what my reaction was?! I will tell you. I said–honest to God!–“Oh, it’s so nice to hear old, traditional reverent music again!”
See above.
My suggestion is–if you think that the Catholic Mass is becoming “protestantized,” you need to visit a few modern non-Catholic ecclesial communities and see what “protestantism” has become today. THEN come back to this Board and talk about the “protestantizing” of the Mass.
See two above.
I think you will be pleasantly surprised to see that the NO Mass is actually very reverent and traditional compared to many modern non-Catholic ecclesial community “worship services.”
Just saddened that the Protestants have gone so far astray.
It’s all about PERSPECTIVE. You are seeing the NO Mass from the perspective of a traditionalist Catholic rather than a modern Protestant.
How should we see the Mass of the Holy Catholic Church?
As for conversions–when I came to Catholic Mass, I was looking for “tradition” and “reverence,” and I found it in the NO. Compared to what I was used to in the Protestant church, NO was positively ancient and I loved it and was drawn to Christ in the Blessed Sacrament through this beautiful Mass. I think a lot of Protestants, especially those from the modern Protestant church, find the NO Mass very traditional and reverent, and are drawn to the Catholic Church through it.