Those bishops who refuse to ordain homosexuals are doing a service to the Church. On this general topic, Father Hunwicke’s blog today has an excellent post:
A very senior prelate is reported recently to have said
“X, that you are gay does not matter. God made you like that and loves you like this and I don’t care. love you like this. You have to be happy with who you are.”
I find it logically helpful to substitute other things for gay (Paedophile? Psychopath?) and to see how the propositions look then.
Of course, this is a dangerous line to take. Those with an enfeebled grasp of logic are likely to blurt out “So you’re saying that all homosexuals are paedophiles!” or “So you think homosexuals are as bad as psychopaths?”
(In fact, I think that Christian homosexuals are, almost by definition, likely to be more admirable than heterosexuals. Because, denied the sexual outlets which are available to heterosexuals, they lead a grace-filled and continent life. I condemn those heterosexuals, often fundamentalist Evangelicals, who are very ‘strong’ against homosexuality, but don’t seem to have noticed what the Lord said about remarriage after divorce.)
Questions abound, some of them in the field known as theodicy. Does God make people gay, or are there (sometimes?) cultural factors involved? If gaydom is to be deemed a matter of divine creation, why is paedophilia (or bipolarity or spina bifida) not to be so considered? If gaydom is a matter of divine creation, does this imply that those so born should be permitted/encouraged to live along their instincts?
These are difficult questions. But Holy Mother Church has always taken the line that, whatever one is born with, one is still subject to the same divine laws (although psychological compulsion may well diminish the subjective culpability of particular breaches of the laws in individual cases).
If this is, according to the High Prelate concerned, no longer true, then it is not only ‘gays’ who are affected. There are other categories who need to be reassured that they are made the way they are by God, loved like that by him, and expected by him to be happy with the way they are; others who, perhaps, must be allowed to express the sexual inclinations God is said to have put within them.
Posted by Fr John Hunwicke at 10:34 No comments: