In order to change laws to either eliminate or restrict abortion hearts and mind have to be won - the law will not change until the “will” of the American people support that change.
This is why I have said from the beginning it is an incremental journey, all uphill, it starts with the election of a President who will at least offer the opportunity to have appointed SOME judges who will support life and not prohibiting them from holding office, then it takes working with state, and local government agencies and supporting candidates for those offices who will not use their office to make a social agenda but to support the laws and will of a free people. It can be done, it will be done, but not in a minute, a week, a year or by the next election.
The society in which we live with its total disregard for the sanctity and dignity of human life did not get this way overnight - it came over many years - it will take no shorter time to undo this damage to the national soul and psyche. Every journey starts with the first step, we have made ours - now let us continue.