If some legal authority wants to sue him or criminally charge him, then they have to make a case just like any other crime or lawsuit situation. But you seem to be asking for something way beyond the bounds of US due process. That isn’t going to happen.
If he did not break any laws, why can’t he speak? Again, there is a need to know what weaknesses in policy and leadership structure/ function permitted this widespread abuse throughout the global church.
If he did break laws, he needs to be handed over to authorities, not protected by the church.
Hospitals are legally responsible for reporting bad doctors, the church should be held to the same standard.
He is also dismissed from the clerical state.
What does this mean?
Did the RCC sever its ties with him. If yes, what does anyone care who interviews him? If no, why not? Why wouldn’t the church sever ties?
When you are dismissed from a job, you are told to gather your items and security walks you out the door. The end. There maybe certain limitations on what you can do or say, if you’ve signed a non-compete agreement.
Have you not been reading the news for the last two years?
I’ve been reading about the scandals since 2012. However, I didn’t follow McCarrick closely because the past method of operation in the church was to cover sexual assault up and move priests around.
And the Church is probably the most vigilant institution on the planet in terms of protecting it’s flock.
One can only hope.
I’m very concerned though, because I didn’t see a Root Cause Analysis with a breakdown of where the protection process went wrong, the current steps to change the hierarchy’s culture that led to the breakdown, and the tools being implemented throughout the church, from hierarchy to laity to create long-term, morally sound and physically strong protections of vulnerable populations and those under authority of leaders.
Excuse me, but we don’t need to “plead the fifth” to avoid speaking to journalists.
…suggests Slate supports abortion. Is this who we trust for “truth” and “protect children”?
Never said that we did need to plead the 5th to journalists. My remark was written in response to Tis_Bearself’s response about being “compelled by legal process”.
Who cares about Slate? We should be able to trust the RCC to do the right thing and protect children. Especially when the church espouses that it is a moral institution.