Media reaction to female teacher &14 boy

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Has anybody seen the reaction of the latest report of a female teacher and her 14 year old student engageing in sexual relations?I am female and disgusted, at the sympathy for what she did.I am not trying to say as humans we can do horrible things,rather if this was a male teacher and female student, there would be outrage.One of the male commentators even went so far as to joke that most 14 year old boys would be delighted to be in his shoes(because the teacher was hot).At this point I would love to know where you guys get the mad faces, I m dying to put one here.Okay, you guys out there enlighten me on this thought process.God Bless
I’m not a guy, but I think there is a different dynamic with a young male getting sex at the age of 14 from an older female, as opposed to the opposite scenario. For guys I think the sexual urge is a pure biological drive, with a fairly sudden onset at around 14 or so, where they think a lot about sex. It’s not as much an emotional thing. I think they are less likely to be emotionally damaged by getting ‘seduced’ in this way, because sex isn’t as linked to emotions.

For a young girl, usually there is a manipulative power imbalance, preying on her tender emotions, or forcing her by coercion. Also, women are penetrated physically by sex, and are vulnerable to pregnancy. So, I think there is a huge difference.
Whether or not a boy suffers harm from an affair with a teacher it is still very wrong.
It’s not as much an emotional thing. I think they are less likely to be emotionally damaged by getting ‘seduced’ in this way, because sex isn’t as linked to emotions.
This simply isn’t true. The results of the emotional damage may manifest themselves differently between a male victim and a female victim, but the emotional damage can still be quite real.

The female teacher is a statuatory rapist, and she should punished accordingly. The gender of her victim is irrelevant.

– Mark L. Chance.
“But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened round his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.” (Mt 18, 6)

Corruption of the youth is one of the worst sins.

(This passage can also be interpreted as corrupting moral/spiritual people into immorality.)

Sex has a significant emotional effect on men. The effect is different from that of women, but that does not make it any less important.
This simply isn’t true. The results of the emotional damage may manifest themselves differently between a male victim and a female victim, but the emotional damage can still be quite real.

The female teacher is a statuatory rapist, and she should punished accordingly. The gender of her victim is irrelevant.

– Mark L. Chance.
Not to mention that once a person becomes sexually active, they tend to seek it out more than previously considered. I think this boy will be harmed for life. He may get involved younger with girls his own age now, and think of all the problems involved in this. I agree she is crazy, but I think she is sane and needs to be punished.
I have to disagree with this. A young man very close to me was seduced at a young age and sex has now become an addiction. This happens when God is taken out of the equation.
I’m not a guy, but I think there is a different dynamic with a young male getting sex at the age of 14 from an older female, as opposed to the opposite scenario. For guys I think the sexual urge is a pure biological drive, with a fairly sudden onset at around 14 or so, where they think a lot about sex. It’s not as much an emotional thing. I think they are less likely to be emotionally damaged by getting ‘seduced’ in this way, because sex isn’t as linked to emotions.

For a young girl, usually there is a manipulative power imbalance, preying on her tender emotions, or forcing her by coercion. Also, women are penetrated physically by sex, and are vulnerable to pregnancy. So, I think there is a huge difference.
it’s always interesting how the lack of “heat” (anger) or at least the reduced degree of outrage when the gender is of that formula… :cool:
This simply isn’t true. The results of the emotional damage may manifest themselves differently between a male victim and a female victim, but the emotional damage can still be quite real.

The female teacher is a statuatory rapist, and she should punished accordingly. The gender of her victim is irrelevant.

– Mark L. Chance.
it is not the same
This simply isn’t true. The results of the emotional damage may manifest themselves differently between a male victim and a female victim, but the emotional damage can still be quite real.

The female teacher is a statuatory rapist, and she should punished accordingly. The gender of her victim is irrelevant.

– Mark L. Chance.
I disagree. First, there is quite a difference between how males view sex and how females view sex. Second, in the Jewish tradition, a boy becomes a man at the age 13. This 14 year-old young man, for whatever the reason, was interested in sex. His virginity does not have the same value as that of a 14 year-old female. It is very important here to determine if this sexual activity was consensual or not. Saying that this woman was a criminal simply because the boy was younger doesn’t make any sense.

I have to go further and say that, in the name of political correctness, we get very confused when it comes to the age of consent. My grandmother was married at age 15 to a man who was 26. Was he a pedophile? No way! That was what was done at the time. A hundred years ago, it was routine for young girls to marry men who were in their twenties or thirties as a man had to be established before he could get married. Further, girls were often married quite young because it was recognized that the sexual desire became apparent during the teen years and the proper, healty and safe place for sex is marriage. Age of consent laws were enacted to protect the virginity and purity of the female only. They were never intended to cover males.

Now, with all that being said, I think we live in a sick society that completely and totally abuses sexuality. I think all sex outside of marriage is wrong. All. I’m not sure that postponing marriage beyond the early twenties is a good thing. As a matter of fact, let’s be honest, I think its bad. The young people today are so set in their ways and so spoiled by the time they get married at 30 or 35 that they can’t make a true commitment to their spouse and their children, if they are able to have any. They have very unreal expectations. But is an older woman and a much younger man: Disgusting, yes. Criminal, I just don’t think so.
an adult seducing and manipulating a young adolescent for their own sexual needs is perverted and illegal. just because some 14 year old males fantasize about sex does not mean they are ready for sex, or that their virginity does not have the same “value” (whatever you mean by that term) as a female’s. Innocence is always precious, and to manipulate a youngster into experimenting with sex–whether heterosexual or homosexual–is degrading and wrong.
This simply isn’t true. The results of the emotional damage may manifest themselves differently between a male victim and a female victim, but the emotional damage can still be quite real.

The female teacher is a statuatory rapist, and she should punished accordingly. The gender of her victim is irrelevant.

– Mark L. Chance.
I disagree. First, there is quite a difference between how males view sex and how females view sex. Second, in the Jewish tradition, a boy becomes a man at the age 13. This 14 year-old young man, for whatever the reason, was interested in sex. His virginity does not have the same value as that of a 14 year-old female. It is very important here to determine if this sexual activity was consensual or not. Saying that this woman was a criminal simply because the boy was younger doesn’t make any sense.

I have to go further and say that, in the name of political correctness, we get very confused when it comes to the age of consent. My grandmother was married at age 15 to a man who was 26. Was he a pedophile? No way! That was what was done at the time. A hundred years ago, it was routine for young girls to marry men who were in their twenties or thirties as a man had to be established before he could get married. Further, girls were often married quite young because it was recognized that the sexual desire became apparent during the teen years and the proper, healty and safe place for sex is marriage. Age of consent laws were enacted to protect the virginity and purity of the female only. They were never intended to cover males.

Now, with all that being said, I think we live in a sick society that completely and totally abuses sexuality. I think all sex outside of marriage is wrong. All. I’m not sure that postponing marriage beyond the early twenties is a good thing. As a matter of fact, let’s be honest, I think its bad. The young people today are so set in their ways and so spoiled by the time they get married at 30 or 35 that they can’t make a true commitment to their spouse and their children, if they are able to have any. They have very unreal expectations. But is an older woman and a much younger man: Disgusting, yes. Criminal, I just don’t think so.
I really wish she had been my teacher when I was 14. I suspect most guys feel the same way.
I am shocked by the response you had to thes outrage. Do you realise this women was an authority figure.So with this realization, you have to know this was a minipulation on her part and a total abuse of authority. I have five boys and fell their virginity is just a precious a girls. Also, it is not right for people to put young men on lower standards as far as sexuality is concerned. It’s like saying,“well boys will be boys”.In other words, you are telling them you have no more expectations than you would a dog in heat. In the case of the female teacher, she was an authority figure who abused her position.What she has done is a criminal act. If she had been a man and the student a girl, there would be an outcry.God Bless
I am shocked by the response you had to thes outrage. Do you realise this women was an authority figure.So with this realization, you have to know this was a minipulation on her part and a total abuse of authority. I have five boys and fell their virginity is just a precious a girls. Also, it is not right for people to put young men on lower standards as far as sexuality is concerned. It’s like saying,“well boys will be boys”.In other words, you are telling them you have no more expectations than you would a dog in heat. In the case of the female teacher, she was an authority figure who abused her position.What she has done is a criminal act. If she had been a man and the student a girl, there would be an outcry.God Bless
I,too am shocked at some of the responses on this thread. To be honest I am the most shocked at Condans response …
I’ll tell you one thing had it been my son…I would have put a ‘hurtin’ on her she wouldn’t have forgot for a long time :mad:
How would you like to be this womens husband? How about the boys parents? Please, don’t fall for society’s lie, if you had been this young man it is not a bed of roses(no punn intended).God Bless
I am shocked by the response you had to thes outrage. Do you realise this women was an authority figure.So with this realization, you have to know this was a minipulation on her part and a total abuse of authority. I have five boys and fell their virginity is just a precious a girls. Also, it is not right for people to put young men on lower standards as far as sexuality is concerned. It’s like saying,“well boys will be boys”.In other words, you are telling them you have no more expectations than you would a dog in heat. In the case of the female teacher, she was an authority figure who abused her position.What she has done is a criminal act. If she had been a man and the student a girl, there would be an outcry.God Bless
I still wish she had been my teacher when I was 14. I never did know many guys who felt their virginity was a gift. I doubt there are many more today.
I still wish she had been my teacher when I was 14. I never did know many guys who felt their virginity was a gift. I doubt there are many more today.
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