Media reaction to female teacher &14 boy

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I am sorry, but, I refuse to believe that all males are completely controlled by sexual impulses. That is not to say that they don’t experience sexual urges or temptations.But, the point of this is the teacher abused her authority, manipulated a teenager, and took advantage of hormones normal in his age group for her own gratification at his expence as well as her husband, his family,and every parent who would like to send their children to school without wondering if their teacher will take advantage of them.God Bless
it is not the same
Oh, well, after that stunning refutation…


– Mark L. Chance.
Well, may times I heard that USA is a sensual society like the french, the russian and others, well this an evidence of that, I am 21 , a boy and am a virgin, many of my age are, and now there are a bit that aren´t but this begins 20 years ago with the socialist goverment and the mass media now, I see that many people needs to know to practise the abstinence, but it´s difficult go against the society, greetings
Condan’s response may be surprising, but Zoot’s is just plain repulsive.

A grown woman, hooking up with a 14-year old KID.

This isn’t a Jewish nation, following old Jewish law, and it’s not the 1800’s anymore.

KIDS in the USA in 2004 are kids until they can support themselves. That means finishing high school, and most likely some college years as well. They can’t take a drink of alcohol until they’re 21. Why would an adult woman think a boy of 14 is ready to engage in a sexual relationship? She’s a sicko.

I’m have six sons, and six daughters as well.
My sons’ purity is every bit as important to me as my daughters’. I do stress to my sons that sexual purity is important and expected ~ by me, even though “society” expects them to be sexually active. We live in a sex-saturated society, but that’s not the message Christ and the Apostles and saints have taught!!!

God Bless <><
Second, in the Jewish tradition, a boy becomes a man at the age 13.
Our sages taught that a parent is responsible for the actions of a child until the child reaches the age of 13 years and one day, at which point, the child reaches the age of legal majority in the Jewish community and assume full responsibility for observing the commandments and for all his/her deeds. At the age of 13 and a day, a boy becomes a Bar Mitzvah (which means the “age of responsibility for the commandments”) and a girl becomes Bat Mitzvah (some follow the tradition of considering a girl Bat Mitzvah at the age of 12 years and one day, on the basis of the Mishnah’s granting her responsibility for her own vows at that age).

In the Jewish tradition, a girl becomes a woman at the age of 12. So you are also in favor a 13 year old “woman” being able to make the decision to have relations with a 25 or 36 year old teacher?

I am at a loss for words. Is what occured in the following article ok as long as it was consensual?
A teacher and a 14-year-old former female student whom she is accused of sexually assaulting participated in witchcraft together and even “wed” in a pagan ritual, police said…
I find the whole matter repulsive. As stated before, this teacher was in a position of authority and what she did was take advantage of a 14 year old BOY. What I find even more replusive is her defensive will be insanity, because of emotionally problems. The bottom line is she still knew right from wrong and should be judged accordingly.
Originally Posted by condan
Second, in the Jewish tradition, a boy becomes a man at the age 13.

The above quote is extremely misleading. According to the Talmud, between ages 18 and 24 is the proper age for marriage. The idea that the ancient Hebrews treated barely-teenagers as adults is laughable.

It is also worth pointing out that Jewish tradition isn’t particulary relevant to statuatory rape laws.

– Mark L. Chance.
What I find even more replusive is her defensive will be insanity, because of emotionally problems. The bottom line is she still knew right from wrong and should be judged accordingly.
School systems are one of the only places I know which have psychologists and counsellors right on staff. I’d be holding this teacher’s feet to the fire ~ and the school district as well!!!
Jewish boys usually are Bar Mitzvah at 13 so they are considered ‘men’ for religious purposes. I think there is some kind of rule (minyan) where ten ‘men’ must be in attendence and a 13 year old boy who had completed Bar Mitzvah would be eligible to be counted. FWIW if you have the opportunity to attend such a ceremony, it is incredibly moving and such a beautiful family occasion. I don’t think though that those Jewish mothers are expecting their boys to be considered men sexually.

We live in the land of Mary Jane Letourneau and there is no doubt the young man she exploited will NEVER have a normal life. Nor will her family. My heavens the woman was married with FOUR CHILDREN. Talk about a disgusting way to exploit someone else’s child. This woman has no shame.

The vavavoom “teacher” that exploited this boy is of the same cloth IMO. I cannot imagine that school system did enough of a background check before hiring this woman. They are looking at a BIG lawsuit.

LIsa N
Part 1 of 2
I disagree. First, there is quite a difference between how males view sex and how females view sex. …This 14 year-old young man, for whatever the reason, was interested in sex. His virginity does not have the same value as that of a 14 year-old female. It is very important here to determine if this sexual activity was consensual or not. Saying that this woman was a criminal simply because the boy was younger doesn’t make any sense.
OK, first, let’s get ourselves together here. I misstated. My personal view is that virginity in a male is as precious as that of a female. However, our society does not put an equivalent value. Like it or not, that’s the way it is. I am the mother of sons. Although they are young, we teach them purity and chastity as is age appropriate. However, I have to be honest and say that if given a scenario where one of my children became sexually active prior to marriage, I would be very disappointed if it were my son. My feelings would be stronger if it were a girl because there are additional worries about future relationships and bonding too closely before you are ready, among other things. Unfortunately, right or wrong, it seems that young men do not share the emotional attachedness that young girls have when it comes to sexuality.
I have to go further and say that, in the name of political correctness, we get very confused when it comes to the age of consent. My grandmother was married at age 15 to a man who was 26. Was he a pedophile? No way! That was what was done at the time. A hundred years ago, it was routine for young girls to marry men who were in their twenties or thirties as a man had to be established before he could get married. Further, girls were often married quite young because it was recognized that the sexual desire became apparent during the teen years and the proper, healty and safe place for sex is marriage. Age of consent laws were enacted to protect the virginity and purity of the female only. They were never intended to cover males.
I’m sorry that everyone is shocked by this story but I don’t see why. Our children are BOMBARDED on a daily basis with sexuality: in the media, in the schools, on Monday night football, for heavens sake! That a 23-year old teacher used a 14-year old for sex does NOT shock me. It makes me sick, yes, but I’m certainly not shocked given that our previous president had a relationship with an intern in and around the oval office. I am not shocked since this teacher may have been in a position to give this young boy a condom at the taxpayers expense. She may have been his health teacher explaining things like alternative lifestyles. Nothing today shocks me.

(to be continued…)
Part 2 of 2
Now, with all that being said, I think we live in a sick society that completely and totally abuses sexuality. I think all sex outside of marriage is wrong. All. I’m not sure that postponing marriage beyond the early twenties is a good thing. As a matter of fact, let’s be honest, I think its bad. The young people today are so set in their ways and so spoiled by the time they get married at 30 or 35 that they can’t make a true commitment to their spouse and their children, if they are able to have any. They have very unreal expectations. But is an older woman and a much younger man: Disgusting, yes. Criminal, I just don’t think so.
I still can’t figure out why people are so shocked at my post. I never said that I approved of the activity. Quite the contrary. However, our kids are encouraged in the school setting ON A DAILY BASIS to have sex. In my school district, they are taught how to prevent STDs by applying a condom to a banana in the 5th grade. (Mine attend private school for this EXACT reason. This costs me in excess of $5k each and every year.) I also contend that a 23-year old freshly minted teacher is not much of an “authority figure”, especially from the point of view of a 14 year old male. (And, given what I have seen of this young “lady” and how she comports herself, I doubt that she positioned herself as such.) Further, there are some people who sexually mature earlier than others. Was this the case here? Was he a virgin? Did she seduce him or does that even count because of the age of consent laws?

I apologize for scandalizing all of you. I just scratch my head at things like this and ask: “What do we expect?” I also don’t know if I buy into the “scarred for life” scenario. I have two boys. Both are different. One is more sensitive and one is tougher. I don’t know what type of person the young man in question is or how he viewed the encounter. I think that will factor into whether this is criminal or not. I guess my gut tells me that we should not rush to judge but to wait and see what it is that exactly happened and then weigh in.

This is a very complex issue. There is a period where young people are neither fully children nor fully adult. In our eagerness to protect children, which of course is a good thing, we have blurred the line of when childhood ends and adulthood begins.

I agree with you Condan,

Sick, but not suprising at all!

I understand that in much or all of Canada, 14 is the legal age of consent for sex with any aged adult, someone from Canada correct me if I am wrong please.

Throughout all of history, older men have married what we would consider children and it was considered normal, only relatively recently has society changed it’s views on this.

Now a days, we bombard our kids with sexual images, talk, TV, media, radio, school, clothing, dress, etc…etc…etc… and then tell them it is wrong! Our society sets our children (and adults) up for failure 😦

It is truly only by the grace of God that our kids (and 23 year old teachers) can come out with a healthy understanding of sex.

I am sorry, but, I refuse to believe that all males are completely controlled by sexual impulses. That is not to say that they don’t experience sexual urges or temptations.But, the point of this is the teacher abused her authority, manipulated a teenager, and took advantage of hormones normal in his age group for her own gratification at his expence as well as her husband, his family,and every parent who would like to send their children to school without wondering if their teacher will take advantage of them.God Bless
I agree that not all are completely controlled by sexual impulses. I’d even say that most are not completely controlled by sexual impulses.

But I’d also say that most 14 year olds would love to have a teacher like her. So would most who are 16, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80…
Panis Angelicas:
Condan’s response may be surprising, but Zoot’s is just plain repulsive.

A grown woman, hooking up with a 14-year old KID.

This isn’t a Jewish nation, following old Jewish law, and it’s not the 1800’s anymore.

KIDS in the USA in 2004 are kids until they can support themselves. That means finishing high school, and most likely some college years as well. They can’t take a drink of alcohol until they’re 21. Why would an adult woman think a boy of 14 is ready to engage in a sexual relationship? She’s a sicko.

I’m have six sons, and six daughters as well.
My sons’ purity is every bit as important to me as my daughters’. I do stress to my sons that sexual purity is important and expected ~ by me, even though “society” expects them to be sexually active. We live in a sex-saturated society, but that’s not the message Christ and the Apostles and saints have taught!!!

God Bless <><
Repulsive or not, that’s how the world works. Most teenage guys don’t tell their mothers about their sex life.
He was 14 once, too.
And he’s been psychologically stuck there for all time, to keep with your silly and flippant assesment of good and evil.
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