That’s a real shame. I’m fortunate to have a wonderful primary care doctor who prescribed me hydrocodone when I need it. She was cautious early on, but has known me for years and knows I don’t ask unless I need it. My pain management doctor does cortisone injections and radio frequency ablation to relieve pain for longer periods. He doesn’t prescribe any medications for me typically since I prefer my primary care doctor too. I’ve been going to both doctors for at least thirteen years.I can only speak to the pain specialists that live here, but they do not take it as their job to manage pain, but to manage addiction. They are pitifully suspicious, leaving them very bad at their job, and really terrible at being actual doctors. Yet my family doctor who I had seen for decades is unable by law to prescribe pain medication past a certain point. This has only once been an issue for me, when I was stuck going to him to get my ineffective NSAID until I could get my cortisone injects. The incident has made me pro-legalization of marijuana as a survival mechanism.