Meeting Mean Kids in Youth Groups at Church

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It does become disgusting to see religious and clergy have contempt for each other, jealousy and envy for each other and treat each other so poorly. We are not required to " Like " each other, but we are taught to love each other. Interesting that priest went to another whom he wasnt fond of, but still found the confession to be a great experience.

People leave communities all the time because of the poor treatment upon one another. The sad thing is most of the time these communities do not even see how poorly they treat each other because they have become accustomed to everything. An it takes an outside voice to point it out. Everyone just assumes that all religious communities are this super happy and holy place where everything is just gee willikers great non stop. People don’t realize how communities get old, and rely on new recruits to come in, an then they get treated as cheap labor to do the heavy lifting they once did or just no longer want to do. That alone can break new members right there. Not to mention it takes a very long time to gain enough standing with in a community to actually be heard and taken seriously in ones opinion . Let alone care about ones opinion. 9 times out of 10 they expect new members to just be quiet, smile, look pretty, and do what they are told. An that is it. An like anyone they do care, but like again like anyone, they really do not want to be bothered with questions, or concerns as they have their own issues to attend to. So if you can’t figure it out on your own, then you are seen as pestering or becoming a bother.

But most of the time bad behavior it is rationalized away as an excuse of merely needing to learn to be humble. The human side of a religious life doesn’t go away or become perfect. If anything it is the opposite , it gets a lot uglier before it improves any. An if one isn’t ready to be put through the ringer upon entering into a religious life be it a community or priesthood , they will be in for a rude awakening. It isn’t as if it is a policy by any means to put candidates through a ringer so to speak, but it seems to just happen naturally because of this mindset of, well it is what i went through so now i am going to do it to you. Instead of I am not going to treat others how I was treated, I am going to do better. People tend to lose all common sense at some point it seems and it takes a while to gain it back. But by the time it is gained back, usually the damage is already done.
I was bullied for being White at this one Vacation Bible School in Flint, Michigan back in the 1990s.
Are these “mean kids”" there for the same reason as you? Maybe they’re there because they were told to but don’t really care?
Yes I always felt that way about kids in Catholic school or adults who went to Catholic school who are mean. It is a big waste of time and money. What is the point if they can’t or won’t learn and live by the most basic and most important teaching and message of Christ, the Gospels, and the whole New Testament. They should have plastered all over the walls the sermon on the mount, the greatest commandment, the new commandment, and quotes from the Epistles.
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I hope your parents reported this to the leaders and ended it!
Unfortunately it is a sign of the times we live in. People want to be mean. People want to hate. For whatever their reasons.
All we can do is try to set a good example through our words and deeds, and to pray for those who are mean-spirited.
True. But I suspect that most of those kids parents shipped them off to VBS so they wouldn’t have to deal with them during summer vacation.
Unfortunately mean people can appear everywhere, although I do understand your shock of finding them in the youth group of your parish.

However do not despair, kindness and patience overcome everything and everyone. The only way to break the circle of hate is by doing the opposite with love and patience. God will only judge us by how we treat others, not by how others treat us.

In terms of finding friends as the Bible says it is truly a blessing, however one has to be selective, good friends should bring us closer to God, while bad ones will do the opposite.

As I have said before what helped me to jump start my social life was my parish Bible Study, we all love Sacred Scripture, debating about theological issues and our weekly meetings help us to socialize and feel more connected, which social media ironically I believe has isolated us.

Also assisting Catholic conferences (for example an upcoming pro-life rally, rosary, conferences, etc) can help to meet and connect with others who share our interests.
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