Melinda Gates Wants to Help Women Around the World

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I have to say that I do admire Melinda Gates. With all her money, she could spend her time going from one luxury resort to another.

Instead, I see her on TV in Africa holding impoverished babies. She and her husband Bill have done a tremendous amount of good providing vaccines for these children to prevent common diseases.
She and her husband Bill have done a tremendous amount of good providing vaccines for these children to prevent common diseases.
When bill stepped down from his previous position at Microsoft he said he would spend the rest of his life spending his wealth to help people.
Along with their other noble goals of population control, deciding just who is worthy to live or not, let’s not forget one of their pet projects has also been Common Core. Their foundation funded Achieve and the National Governor’s Association in order to implement it.

They use their money to buy control over populations and countries, such as giving aid to nations willing to adopt family planning initiatives such as sterilization and abortion. We’re sorry, God, Our Creator, but our solution to poverty will be so successful. We simply won’t let the poor be born.
The Church’s rules about birth control are intended for married couples. The Church allows the morning after pill for women who have been raped.

If 12-year-old girls in Africa are being raped by older men, is it really against Church teaching to give them a birth control shot?
This is a good post indicating thinking via principle rather than rule. Good for you!

Something similar HAS been an issue. Some find it a terrible scandal that the church is perfectly OK with nuns posted in hostile areas at significant risk of rape routinely taking the birth control pill. Such an action is NOT immoral. Contraception is not immoral because the molecules in the pill are evil, but because it is evil to intentionally render a sexual union infertile. Rape is not fundamentally a sexual encounter, but an occasion of violence. A woman who takes action to prevent conception during a rape is NOT committing the sin of contraception because there is no union with the man that could be damaged by the act of contraception. See the difference?

Arguable, a 12 year old in a hostile environment could benefit if she is well formed and fully intentioned towards chastity. But I’m not entirely convinced that handing a 12 year old girl contraception and telling her that with that she won’t get pregnant from sex or rape is the best way to protect her. Can’t we do a better job of protecting her than by putting her into a different sort of moral danger?
And to have such a crucial matter that effects the social, familial, economic, political, historical and cultural backbone of our society decided by an elderly man without about as much if not less knowledge and experience as a toddler does on the matter “irrevocably” decided upon (I use the term in its loosest possible context seeing as not even Catholics obey it) is any wiser?
If the elderly man is the Holy Father, Pontiff of the Church to which Christ promised “what you bind on earth is bound in heaven”, to whom He said “I will be with you to the end of time”, successor to Peter to whom Christ said “upon this Rock I will build my Church”, yes.

I agree that it is probably not the best thing in the world to give a 12-year-old a birth control shot under ordinary circumstances, but if such a shot could help stop the bleeding, it might be a good thing. I’m sure that Melinda Gates wants to help all girls and women,not just married women.
I agree totally with your response. In sub-Sahara Africa, I can’t imagine anything worse that to keep on having babies and having them die because of lack of water, food and dangerous living conditions. ABC should be available to women who request it. A majority of the women in third world countries are not Catholic, so using ABC is not sinful at all to them. If the Church were to become a little more realistic, it would be a good thing.
Because the use of artificial birth control is contrary to the natural law, it is immoral for everyone. That immorality may not be imputable to the women in question, but that has nothing to do with the object morality of the practice.

Generally when folks suggest the Church be “realistic”, they mean that it should adopt situation ethics where the outcomes should outweigh the intrinsic immorality of the act itself, or that it should endorse their particular sin(s).

Bill and Melinda Gates are worth over $81 billion

Bill Gates tops Billionaires

so they can hardly suggest that Depo-Provera injections are their only option for helping alleviate poverty.

I can imagine something worse than having babies and having them die - executing them in their innocence in the womb so they can’t live.

If the elderly man is the Holy Father, Pontiff of the Church to which Christ promised “what you bind on earth is bound in heaven”, to whom He said “I will be with you to the end of time”, successor to Peter to whom Christ said “upon this Rock I will build my Church”, yes.

Excellent answer!
You believe they are implementing a euginics project?
Of course they are. Do you see he organization promoting contraception in Beverly hills? They are dedicated to limiting the number of black and brown babies born into this world. Margaret Sanger would be proud of them
God is not an elderly man. Contraception is a matter of faith and Morals. It was , in fact, condemned by every major religion up until the 1early 930s. So tell me-what makes us so much smarter than all who went before us?
The gift of knowledge and experience to start. I actually went to high school with Melinda French Gates. She was a senior when I was a freshman and she was the valedictorian of the school. She is fully educated and capable of understanding everything the Church teaches and everything about this current topic. She also has the hand on experience of seeing what the women around the world are facing. Do you? Have you been to he places she have gone and seen what they are facing? If not, than you simply do not know for sure how you would address there issue. You simply don’t!
The gift of knowledge and experience to start. I actually went to high school with Melinda French Gates. She was a senior when I was a freshman and she was the valedictorian of the school. She is fully educated and capable of understanding everything the Church teaches and everything about this current topic. She also has the hand on experience of seeing what the women around the world are facing. Do you? Have you been to he places she have gone and seen what they are facing? If not, than you simply do not know for sure how you would address there issue. You simply don’t!
She may be knowledgeable about church teaching, but she is openly defiant to it. In addition, she does not honor the words of her own foundation’s mission statement which says it ’ is guided by the belief that every life has equal value.” Obviously this is in direct contradiction to the abortion inducing contraceptives she is pushing. The women around the world, certainly those of color, will be a much smaller population if her pro-death campaign is not stopped. I am not impressed with philanthropy nor money that exceeds the economy of certain third world countries, nor education that does not have at its heart the health and welfare of all humankind.
An African woman’s open letter to Melinda Gates:
Unlike what we see in the developed Western world, there is actually very high compliance with Pope Paul VI’s “Humanae Vitae.” For these African women, in all humility, have heard, understood and accepted the precious words of the prophetic pope. Funny how people with a much lower literacy level could clearly understand that which the average Vogue- and Cosmo-reading-high-class woman has refused to understand. I guess humility makes all the difference.
With most African women faithfully practicing and adhering to a faith (mainly Christian or in some cases Muslim), there is a high regard for sex in society, especially among the women. Sex is sacred and private.
The moment these huge amounts of contraceptive drugs and devices are injected into the roots of our society, they will undoubtedly start to erode and poison the moral sexual ethics that have been woven into our societal DNA by our faith, not unlike the erosion that befell the Western world after the 1930 Lambeth conference! In one fell swoop and one “clean” slice, the faithful could be severed from their professed faith.
Even at a glance, anyone could see that the unlimited and easy availability of contraceptives in Africa would surely increase infidelity and sexual promiscuity as sex is presented by this multi-billion dollar project as a casual pleasure sport that can indeed come with no strings - or babies - attached. Think of the exponential spread of HIV and other STDs as men and women with abundant access to contraceptives take up multiple, concurrent sex partners.
You believe they are implementing a euginics project?
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (the largest private foundation in the world) and the British government will co-host a new London conference on eugenics with global coalition partners such as American abortion chain Planned Parenthood, British abortion chain Marie Stopes International, and the United Nations Populations Fund (UNFPA).

Google Gates+Eugenics and see how many hits you get.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (the largest private foundation in the world) and the British government will co-host a new London conference on eugenics with global coalition partners such as American abortion chain Planned Parenthood, British abortion chain Marie Stopes International, and the United Nations Populations Fund (UNFPA).

Google Gates+Eugenics and see how many hits you get.
Beside voicing your concern on this site, what are you doing about this issue?
I have to say that those you have said your implied that the reason Melinda Gates is doing what she is doing is mainly to lower the population of colored people is extremely unchristian. Most white people are not longer having 12, 13, 14 children, so why would she focus on a race that have already lowered the number of children to 1,2,3? She is not a racist. I can understand not liking what she is doing, but it is completely unfair people think she is a racist. :confused:
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